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a change in the tide
"i'm sorry, i'm not good enough for you"


althea was stunned, frozen in her place as those three words left the woman's mouth. she was calling, no, pleading for help yet her feet wouldn't move.

the redhead's neck cracked more and more, edging to be ripped completely. the harsh shock of reality brought the copier back to earth, her eyes squinting in pure hatred. something had turned in her, and it wasn't pretty.

edward cullen would not hurt what is hers.

eyes turning pitch black, althea swarmed quickly towards the unfolding scene, blasting edward back with her mind. she now stood in front of victoria, giving her the extra time to recover, and hopefully, escape.

a smile, perhaps a smirk lingered on the cullen's lips, while his blood singer looked confused, afraid.

"i see," he began, showing no fear towards the more powerful vampire in front of him, "you do care."

this only fuelled her anger further, although, noticing the presence behind was standing up now, her hand met another hinting to leave. she wasn't going to, she was too blinded by the need to protect the redhead.

"and you don't."

it was greatly unfortunate for the cullen and his lover with the timing, as althea had wasted enough minutes. back with the rest of his family stood the four elite guards, and if one has heard anything about the volturi, know that their abilities aren't ones to mess with.

and to help with althea's current situation, a particular blonde child had the gift which scared everyone. pain. was the simple word she could say, and an enemy would drop down the their feet in agony.

"your family has company edward, do you know?"

his face tensed up, slowly moving over to shield bella, similar to her own stance now. a simple nod gave her a knowing glisten in her eyes.

"you wouldn't," he doubted, almost sure of himself. they could see victoria ushering her out of the clearing, wanting to get far away as a guilty expression planted on her face.

the brunette gave a suggesting eyebrow raise, shrugging her shoulders at the same time. "perhaps not, but little bella isn't a shield to me. it may have worked at the castle, but i'm not jane."

even she wanted to test the limits of her powers. would it work? maybe not as strong as it would be on another.

"althea," spoke the person behind her, now a full grasp on her hand. it was a warm sensation despite them both being vampires. "leave it," her voice was stern, sending a small chill up the receiver's spine.

it was a surprising phrase coming from victoria, seeing as she wanted to kill her just moments ago. perhaps she senses the danger that will come, but alas, the other most certainly can fight the family single-handed.

"listen to her," spoke the human, earning a chuckle from the almost crazy-minded vampire, "please, i'm sorry for how i treated you."

lie, lie, lie. it was just a lie. she wanted to get out of this situation, not expecting it to turn out like this.

althea was simply not thinking straight, as if she had snorted a line of vampire cocaine just before this. it was strange, she was normally civilised in these situations, and would almost always be the bigger person and walk away.

she was pulled her further away, victoria wanting nothing to do here. there was a strange atmosphere shift, and it even made the brunette wary.

the blacks of the iris were now spreading across her entire eye, scaring the other three near her. the loss of warmth in her hand made her upset, as the redhead's presence moved slightly further away.

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