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the departure
"i'm going to regret this, aren't i?"


althea went wide-eyed, attempting to take a step back, but her back was still against the tree trunk, "i-"

"save it," victoria gritted her teeth, walking backwards to give herself some space. she looked at the other girl with menacing eyes, unsure of her next action.

the brunette didn't dare to move, keeping her senses cautious for anything to come. it would've been smart to realise and use her powers, but there was something else pondering her mind.

"leave then," the redhead was now turned around, her back in view.

there was no response to be heard, she didn't particularly know how to act. she wasn't aware of the possibilities that could occur, as the girl didn't know victoria's reactions just yet.

she could just leave, but her heart was telling her no. it was a position of heart versus brain, deciding which one would lead to a better outcome, or in this case, a safer outcome.

"you don't have to be here," the taller one continued, most likely calming herself down instead of running off, "in fact, you probably shouldn't be here."

that hurt, it really shouldn't have, but it did. althea already felt some sort of connection with the other woman, even with their lack of time together. it wasn't obvious what victoria truly felt about the situation, as she was doing an amazing job at secluding it.

her voice was strong, indicating a stand in her ground. perhaps it was required for edward's ability at the current time, it would help the shorter girl understand the other's emotions better.

"seriously?" althea frowned, crossing her arms as she closed her body off. the negativity had rubbed off on her by this point, it clouding her vision to see the other side.

it was understandable though, but it probably was just smarter to leave the scene instead of creating a harsher one. a fight wouldn't go anywhere, in the end, they'll both just end up fighting.

"what?" victoria finally turned around, gathering enough strength to mask her facial emotions, "i don't even know who you are, why does this matter?"

althea knew it was true, but just refused to admit it. in the end, she still wanted revenge against the cullens, and would prefer if they were on the same team - rather than fighting for bragging rights.

"because it's better to work together against this coven, rather than being alone with less numbers."

victoria seemed to ponder for a few moments, still an annoyed expression on her face. the other hoped it would be enough, although, things can't always play out perfectly.

"because two people will be better," the redhead scoffed sarcastically, shaking her head, "i will find more people then you could even cough up. you don't have anyone else, just go back home."

she didn't think it could get any worse, but even victoria flinched at her own words. it was barely noticeable, even the brunette couldn't pick it up, but it reflected how she truly felt. it was regret mixed in with the lingering anger from her friend's death. her trio was now down to a duo, and that would have to hurt, no matter what.

althea rolled her eyes, still refusing to leave the situation where it was at, "and who are you going to get? i could use their powers against themselves-"

"i don't care," the redhead voiced staccato, dramatic accents placed on top of each word, "this was all a game to me anyways, and i'd like to say the game is over now."

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