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the accepted deal
"actually, maybe you're the same height as her"


althea had to be careful with her words, it was a given. she had been attempting to find a suitable phrase to splurge, but to no avail.

she couldn't leave it much longer time-wise. the more seconds that ticked past, the more suspicious she appeared, which wouldn't end well anyway.

"who do you think it was?" the girl finally spoke up, matching the other's energy with a confident atmosphere.

victoria narrowed her eyes, only limited possible answers for her response. she looked down upon the brunette, being almost a head taller. the height difference could be a factor for the redhead's intimidation, but althea won't stand down just yet.

"how am i supposed to know?" she plastered on her signature smirk, moving her head closer to the other's, "you're the one that came for them, after all."

they were both similar in a way, trying everything to get their ideal situation. now that neither was letting down, the smaller one knew she couldn't keep going along this route.

"i'll let you in on something," she decided to return the smirk presented by victoria, "the human is vulnerable, especially now, take her out of the picture, then your job will be much easier."

the taller one backed up after this, giving the girl a questioning look, "say this, take me back to forks with you, and i'll help you get your revenge."

help from victoria? it was a strange deal being presented by the woman, but the taste of revenge wasn't the worst option on the plate.

"fine, but i can't drive while i'm hungry."

and so they now both sat in the car victoria had stolen from these two people, who were now some extra company. the redhead offered to drive for a little bit, which the other was weary to accept, but the two bodies stayed - one in the front, the other in the back.

this was just some amusing act of victoria's, something to keep a smile on her face while she fed. the brunette didn't know who either of the victims were, nor knew what relation they had to each other. instead of questioning, she stayed silent, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

"you've reached charlie and bella, leave a message...or you know, don't."

was the phrase given to the driver on the phone, an annoyed expression was seen through the rear mirror.

"my friend isn't home," the other vampire voiced condescendingly, flipping the phone closed in frustration, "thanks for the phone, and the car by the way - you're a lifesaver."

she directed that last phrase toward the woman sitting in the front, who was just waking up from her unconsciousness.

"james hated cars," the driver continued, smiling at past memories, "he liked to keep it close to the ground, but i still won occasionally to kick him off the set."

a groan came from the blonde woman, rubbing an apparent headache, confused by the situation.

"see, we played hide and seek sometimes," she followed up, with althea listening carefully, "no one could hide like me, but no one could seek like james."

"i-" the human girl stuttered breathily, looking towards victoria, "what?"

the redhead didn't pay attention to the conscious girl now, continuing her story, "some games lasted for months, but we'd get hungry for each other - so i let him find me."

another one of her smirks found a way to her face, taking a pause as she reminisces. the passenger vampire didn't need to know the details to that, understanding that part of the story without further telling.

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