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As I was writing this chapter I just remembered when I first wrote them calling her a slut, everyone was outraged. But here we are, a few years later, and we love degradation and praise. (:


*Friday, November 20*

I love sex. I don't know why we waited so long to do it. It has now joined the list of my favorite things to do in the world. We have definitely christened the apartment over the past week.

But right now, we're on our way back home for Thanksgiving break, which could not have come at a more perfect time. I am in dire need of a break from school, and a certain individual with icy blue eyes.

I had gotten a text from Kali before we left for break, telling me to enjoy my break, and then immediately asking a question about the homework that was due the previous week. She was falling severely behind in the class, even though she came to all of our study sessions, and it really did seem like she was trying her hardest. I'm just not sure why she decided to switch to this major when it clearly wasn't meant for her, especially since this is just an introductory course, and it will only get harder.

But other than that, no mention of her brother and how creepy he was at the Halloween party, which she never showed up to. She had said that she had a migraine and couldn't make it.

Speaking of her brother, his threatening snaps have stopped and now it's just the normal snaps that I used to get before Halloween; normal snap streak pictures, and the odd picture of his forehead that he probably didn't mean to send to me. I haven't interacted with him in person ever since Halloween, but I've seen him around the frat during get-togethers, or rather felt his presence and turned to find him staring right at me.

"Ugh, turn this music off. I can't stand it," Ryker groaned as he went to switch the song. Grey slapped his wrist, and he flinched his hand away to rest it back on my thigh; in its rightful place, mind you.

"Driver gets to pick the music. We had to listen to your K-Pop bullshit, now it-"

"Don't you dare disrespect K-Pop like that! You take it back!" I interrupted, smacking his thigh as hard as I could. He didn't even flinch, the bastard.

"You know what," Grey started, and just immediately turned up the music. I flinched and covered my ears as All Night Longer by Sammy Adams flooded the car. I smashed the power button, shutting off all music from the car.

"Whoa! Take a chill pill!" Grey shouted.

"Stop yelling at me!" I shouted back.

"Then stop abusing my car!"

"Actually I paid for it, so it's mine," Ryker cut in.

"Actually, your parents paid for it, so it's theirs" Grey sassed back.

"Tomato, potato. Let's all just relax, because we still have many hours to go. We don't need to be yelling at each other the entire time," Ryker calmly said. I took a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"I just hate it when the music is really loud like that," I mumbled, too low for them to hear. I looked down at my thumbs, fiddling with them, the urge to pick at my nails so strong.

"There are so many other things we could be doing with this time together," Ryker said. But he was using his mischievous voice. What does he have planned?

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to look at him, and sure enough, a smirk adorned his beautiful face.

"What are you up to?" I asked hesitantly, not really knowing if I wanted to know the answer to that question. He only tapped my thigh in answer, and my body immediately relaxed into his touch, my hips moving slightly forward to allow my thighs to fall open and an ache in my core that caused me to clench my stomach.

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