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disclaimer: i don't own Rwby or Kamen rider build they belong to rooster teeth and Toei Company TV Asahi Asatsu-DK Bandai. Please understand this is not cannon in any way just something i have wanted to do for the longest of times.



end of disclaimer enjoy the story

Ten years ago in a house in the middle of nowhere there was a family like any other but this family was made up of huntsmen and women and future huntsmen the day was like any other for the family but for one person they wished that this all changed.

Tai shouted "Y/N get down here now and clean up this mess" 

Y/n replied "coming father"

As soon as y/n got down stairs a fist was thrown towards his stomach the culprit was Tai. With a death stare on his face he said to y/n.

"I am not your father you are just some brat we took in no one even like you"

Y/n didn't respond he has got on used to this abuse they have being doing this since you entered the family no one cared what Tai said  in fact everyone there agreed with him. As you were cleaning Tai and Summer took your " sisters" outside to train them to become the huntsmen of tomorrow and one day take there place at beacon. But you knew better than anyone else they weren't ready. They were tripping over there feet just trying to keep up with Tai and Summer. 

Tai"come on keep upo girls you wont be huntresses being on the floor like that"

Yang and Ruby" Yes father"

All you could do was watch and do the jobs they didn't want to do. At the end of the day it ended the same way like others Rub and yang would blame you for something, you would get a  beating from  Summer and Tai an later Ruby and Yang would do the same. When you reached your room which was the attic with no bed you tried to fall asleep but a voice kept on saying:

"Kill them"

"Make them suffer" 

You couldn't handle it anymore you had your hands on your head begging for this torture to stop then all of a sudden you heard a tapping on the window you looked out and there was the your favorite people in remnant Qrow and Raven they saw you beaten up and begging for the pain to stop so they do the thing that still supervised you to this day.

Qrow said with a smile on his face"Come with us you will be safe"

Raven"They won't hurt you any longer"

You couldn't believe what they said as soon as they stooped talking you nodded your head and said "Please take me away form this place"

As soon as you stopped talking Qrow climbed through the window picked you up and took you towards the forest away from the family of Rose and xiao long. All that entered tour mind was: *Thank you God*.

In the morning the house erupted with screams Tai quicklu ran up too the attic here the screams came from and asked.

Tai"What Summer? whats happened?"

Summer screamed " Our boy is missing!"

Without out a moment of hesitation Tai fan out of the house trying to find y/n but he was long gone by the time Tai  exited the house. Ruby and Yang asked what was going on and Summer replied with: " We made our boy, your brother run away!" Followed by tears from all three of them and Ruby and yang said:

"When we become huntresses we will find him and bring him home."

Little did they know that the task would be nearly impossible to complete.With y/n he was taken to beacon to meet a certain some one the help take care of him. 

y/n"Where are we uncle Qrow?"

Qrow" We are at beacon to meet the man that is going to take care of you."

???"Well hello Qrow and ... Qrow who is this child"

Qrow"Hey Oz this is y/n rose i took him away from Summer because"

Oz??"You kidnapped a child Qrow come on you..."

Qrow" He was being abused by Summer and Tai"

Oz??"Oh... never mind then hello little one what is your name?"

y/n"its y/n bit i am no rose"

Oz??"Well nice meeting you y/n my name is Ozpin, Professor Ozpin since you don't have a lst name what about l/n"

y/n"the name is perfect thank  you Ozpin"

Ozpin it seems that i will be taking care of you since Qrow is all ways busy."

Qrow"I am busy... at the pub" 

Ozpin"Any way just call me Dad y/n"

y/n" Okay"

At from that day on y/n had a new family one which helped him grow as a person and as a huntsmen.

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