The final fight

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As soon as Y/n heard about General Ironwoods advancement towards the battle grounds were Prime Rogue was waiting he flew of hoping to get there in time before Ironwood gets himself killed. 

Y/n was getting closer and closer and the noises were starting to get louder and louder.Y/n knew exactly what it was it was the destruction of Ironwoods fleet.If only he listened to his own warning none of this would of happened. 

Y/n landed and un-transforms reverting back into his normal state (what he looks like without the Armour)and could see a man in a cloak.Y/n knew who it was it was Prime Rogue with Ironwood beneath his feet.

Y/n"Prime Rogue let him go this is between me and you."

PR"Oh but i can't he tried to destroy me and take my powers.Humans are so stupid."

Ironwood"Shut up.I will have your power and kill Y/n and Salem."

PR"HAHAHA!Do you really think you can destroy me not even Salem can and she is dead."(looks at Y/n)"I decided to change a bit of the prophecy so no one will get in our way when we fight."

Ironwood"I will kill you!"

PR"Ha!Humans they try to control something they can't this is why your race is going to fail and die."

PR kicks Ironwood over to Y/n.Ironwood lands next to Y/n but before he could speak:

Y/n"Ironwood you have brought this destruction upon yourself and others you should have listened to your own warning."(Y/n looks at PR)"Now we can begin the fight were destined for."

PR"Wow kid you sound like me.Alright then lets begin."

???"Prime Rogue!"

Rock music starts up.

???"Are you ready?"


PR"Prime Rogue!doryaa,dorrya,dorrya,DORYAA"

Y/n(starts to clap)"Wow very nice.Now for mine."

???"Hazard on!Dragon,Lock.Super best match.Are you reeady?"

Y/n"Hell yeah."

???"uncontrolled switch black hazard.No waaay!"

PR(claps)"Wow very nice as well. Now then what are we waiting for?"

Y/n"Nothing.It's time to start this Hazardous experiment."

Y/n charges towards PR leaving dust flying in the air.This at first surprised PR but he was just excited.Y/n went for a hit PR but he blocked the punch but even blocking the hit didn't work PR was sent flying backwards with just Y/n's raw strength.PR crashed into a side of a mountain.

PR"Well someone as been training."

Y/n"I wasn't going to sit on my ass for six months and not train."

PR"But it still doesn't matter."

PR ran out from the side of the mountain straight towards Y/n.As he got close enough he went for his own punch but Y/n used his to clash against PR's.This caused the surrounding to crack and grumble just from the clashing of strength.PR tried his other hand but was met by the same fate.Both were struggling to get a upper hand.

PR"Well this is something.Why ... why aren't you trying?"

Y/n"Why aren't you?" 


Y/n and PR"it will be over quick!"

Both Y/n and PR quickly ran back to get enough space.Both of the fighters wanted to finish this quick before the other one can kill the other.

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