Old friends

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Ever since yesterday when Y/n saved Velvet team JNPR wouldn't stop bothering him about it.They kept asking him questions all day.Y/n was getting sick of the questions.


Nora"So do you like her?"

Ren"I think we should stop now Nora."

Nora"What no. Did you save her because you liked her?"

Y/n"Nora... I saved her because it was the right thing to do."

Nora"Ok but do you like her?"

Y/n"(sigh)As i said before maybe."

Jaune"Ok Nora that's enough for today, stop bothering Y/n with questions."

Nora"Ok fine."

Y/n*Thank you Jaune*

Pyrrha"Oh what do we have next?"

Y/n"We have Miss Goodwitch's combat class."

Nora"Yay i get to break some legs!"

Everyone looked at Nora with a face of concern and they were thinking why does she like to break peoples legs.After that little moment Y/n and his team headed towards their next class.Y/n went in first.

Glynda"Ah Y/n good to see you welcome to my class since you are early you and your team can pick any spot you like."

Y/n"Thanks miss."

Jaune"Do you know her?Its only the first time we have this class."

Y/n"Yeah before i came to beacon she was my combat instructor."

Ren"So you got extra time training with an instructor."


After a couple of minutes more and more teams started to walk in the class. But one team caught y/n's eye the duo of beacon.

Y/n"Well well well look who it is."

????"Hey Y/n didn't expect you to be here."

???2"Yeah we thought you would live the luxury live of being Ozpin's son."

Y/n"Well you thought wrong."

Jaune"Y/n who are those two?"

Y/n"Oh right these are the duo of beacon the strongest boys in this school, well behind me of course, their names are Lewis and Naaman."

Lewis"Ok hang on we are definitely stronger than you."

Naaman "Yeah we are."

Y/n"We shall see. Oh look here comes the one the only dickhead Cardin."

Lewis"Oh yeah we heard about him and what he did to Velvet."

Naaman"But we also heard what you did as well."

Y/n"Yep new you guys what hear about it."

All three start laughing, until Y/n friends bring up the past.

Lewis"So is everything ok with your 'sisters' being here?"

Naaman"Yeah man jokes aside you good?"

Y/n"Yeah i am they want me to forgive them and go home with them, which is bullshit i ain't going anywhere and my 'parents' are here to so as far as i can tell i doing good."


Naaman"So you lost control because everything was 'good'?"

Y/n"(sigh) I swear you guys have eyes and ears everywhere."

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