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Author not:this one will be short sorry.

Since the deal was made y/n didn't stop training through the six months he had.The others helped y/n to become stronger so they could see their friend return from the battle alive.The six months y/n had focused on his weaknesses and improving his strengths.

First month:

y/n trained to keep the berserk state under control.He got better at decreasing the chances of going berserk but there is always a chance.

y/n also trained how much Hazard energy he could handle at a time without losing control or creating a shock wave of energy to get rid of the Hazard energy.

Second month:

Y/n focused on the strategy side of battle figuring out what to do in certain situations and how to use his enemies weaknesses against them.

Y/n also focused on his reaction time hopefully to stop Prime Rogue from getting the upper hand with his speed.

Third month:

y/n focused on his Armour trying to figure out which one would be best to handle PR.

since y/n couldn't choose which one was the best he made a new one the strongest and fastest Armour he had ever created:

since y/n couldn't choose which one was the best he made a new one the strongest and fastest Armour he had ever created:

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Key dragon Armour.

Fourth Month:

y/n decided to use the new Armour for the entire fourth month to get use to its power and limitations.  

Fifth month:

Y/n sparred against everyone of his friends like Lewis and Naaman to Qrow and Glynda.

For the rest of the month he started to make better moves with Hazard energy like his Hazard shot.

Sixth month:  

Y/n knew that this month was his last with training but he didn't stop at all he faced everyone he could to gain more experience. He even went into the Emerald forest to fight against Grimm.

Y/n finished his training he was ready for the fight that will change the future for better or for worse.

Y/n"Thank you everyone for helping me with this."

Ozpin"Its fine son you would help others do the same thing if you had the chance."

Qrow"You'll do fine kid after all we did train you."

Everyone one looked at Qrow saying "really, now".

Ruby"Please come back brother i cant lose you again."

Y/n"I will return either that be that i won or lost.I will be back."

 Tai"Yes you will."

Everyone looked at Tai and Summer approaching Y/n.Everyone blocked their way.

Y/n"Guys let them talk."

Everyone was shocked.

Ozpin"Son are you sure."

Y/n nodded.Everyone moved out of the way.

Tai"Y/n look we know we wasn't the best parents, probably the worst but we hope that ne day you ca forgive us like you did with Ruby and Yang."

Summer"Please y/n don't die.I can't handle the grief of losing you again."

Y/n"Tai, Summer ... i forgive you for what you did but i am still Opins son."

Tai"That's ok with us.Please be careful."

Y/n"I will."

Lewis"Dude before you go i think you need to talk with someone."

Lewis pointed past you and you looked at what he was pointing at it was Velvet.

Y/n"You planed this didn't you?"

Everyone just either looked away or just whistled.Y/n walked up to Velvet.

Velvet"Hey y/n."

Y/n"Hey Velvet."

Velvet"I heard about what is happening and i just want to say good luck."

Y/n"Thank you Velvet... hey if I win the battle do you want to go out with me?"

Velvet"(Blushing)Y yes y/n i would love to."

Y/n"Thanks Velvet for wishing me luck i will see you when this is over."

Y/n and Velvet walked back over to the others he noticed everyone smiling.

Y/nn"Don't say a thing."

Lewis"You have maidens."

Y/n"What did i just fucking say?!"Everyone started to laugh including Y/n and Velvet.But it was cut short when Ozpi got a message.

Ozpin"Holy shit.Y/n Ironwood is headed to Prime Rogue."

Y/n"That dumb son of a bitch.He never learns... right i need to go anyway."

Ozpin"We'll miss you son.All of us."

This earned nods from everyone that was there.Before you left you lest something.

Y/n"Hey Velvet."

Velvet"Yes.."She was cut of by Y/n kissing her.

Y/n"Just in case i can't do it later.See ya."With that Y/n transformed into his Hawk Gatling Armour and flew of towards the battle field leaving everyone shocked at what he just did.  

Y/n*I'm coming Prime Rogue get ready.*

And with that this chapter ends.

 Author note:

Sorry that it was short and that it is cringe.

Thank you to everyone reading this i can't believe i have over 1.5 thousand reads thank you everyone and see you next time.


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