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 Since the fight between Y/n his old friends they were taking it easy.There were no missions,no enemies to fight and no problems to fix.Well until today.The one person that has corrupted their goal.General Ironwood and Winter has arrived at beacon to find Y/n yo use him.

Ironwood"How long will it take for us to get there?"

Pilot"An hour maybe more."

Ironwood"Good when we get keep an eye on Y/n.Study his strengths and weaknesses."

Winter"Sir this doesn't seem necessary we can just..."

Ironwood"We have been over this Ozpin wont let his son come with us.We need to kidnap him so we can study his powers and train him to beat Salem."

Winter"Sir... yes sir."


Hours past and the aircraft reached beacon.When the doors open there stood the one person they didn't want to see Ozpin.

Ironwood"Oz how are..."

Ozpin"Keep away from my son or Salem will be the least of your worries."Ozpin started to leave ehrn 

Ironwood"Come on Oz he can ..."

Ozpin shot him with the biggest death glare that has ever existed.Ironwood shut up quickly avoiding further confrontation cause he new that he could make that happen.

Winter"Well im gonna go see my sister."

Ironwood didn't even try to stop it, he new she had her orders and would follow them but he couldn't figure out how Ozpin new about his plan.Ironwood started to walk towards the school to start his mission.

With Winter she headed towards were Weiss was at. Trying to keep away from Ironwood and his plan.Little did she now that trying to avoid the plan she just completed the first stage of it locate Y/n.In the distance she could see her sister and her sister's team but as well as Team JNPR, Lewis, Naaman and of course Y/n.

Ruby"Can you forgive us?"

Y/n"No.Later maybe."

Yang"how about now?"

Y/n"No i need more time."

Ten seconds later.Ruby and Yang"How about now?"

Y/n"(sigh)you're like two broken records.Fine i forgive you two but not your parents.Happy?"

Ruby and Yang nodded.

Lewis"Wow really?"

Naaman"Yeah you gave up quick.Weak."

Y/n"They have been doing this for three days."

Lewis"Oh fair enough then."

Weiss sees Winter."Winter!"Weiss runs up to Winter expecting a hug but Winter used her arm to keep her away.

Winter"I don't give hugs remember."

Weiss"Oh sorry sis.Oh come meet my friends and team."Weiss and winter both walk over to were everyone was at.

Weiss points at her team"This is my team Ruby our leader,Yang and Blake."She then points at Team JNPR"This is our friends team Jaune the leader, Nora,Ren and Pyrrha."She then points at Y/n, Lewis and Naaman."And this is Lewis and Naaman some of the strongest people here at beacon and this is ...."

Winter"Y/n L/n aka Y/n Rose, adopted son of Ozpin."

Y/n"Well some one did their homework."

Winter"I needed to you are my Generals mission."

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