The start of a journey

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It has been 6 months since y/n discovered his semblance, during that time he has been training his body to handle the transformation for long periods of time so far he can handle for an hour without rest. Now he is ready to enter beacon without passing out via exhaustion because of his semblance but before he could leave to get the airship that will take him to beacon his father tried to intervene with his plans.

Ozpin"Son, why don't you just let us take you to beacon?"

y/n"because dad if people see that a first year is already there, they will presume that someone there is part of my family, try to figure it out and try to exploit that for their own gain."

Ozpin"And so you don't get any unwanted attention?"

y/n"yeah pretty much."

Ozpin"They let someone take you to the airship you have no vehicle to get there."

y/n"that would make me look like someone of extreme importance, anyway i can just walk get a vehicle to get me there."

?????"Hazard bike."

Out of no were the voice could be heard again and Hazard material (looks like really dark mist) came out of y/n body and formed this:

Out of no were the voice could be heard again and Hazard material (looks like really dark mist) came out of y/n body and formed this:

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y/n"... Okay even i didn't know i could do that."

Ozpin"Maybe there is more that your semblance can do that you don't know about."

y/n"seems to be, anyway ill be going since i have a ride"

Ozpin"wait you don't know how to..."

Cutting of Ozpin y/n started the engine and sped off into the distance then messaged Ozpin on his scroll.

On the Scroll

y/n:looks like it comes like its my second nature.

Ozpin"show off, good luck son"

y/n"thanks dad."

end of messaging

Half an hour later you reached the airship and absorbed the bike back into your semblance you thought that no one saw you do it, but there was one.

???"Hey how did you do that?"

y/n" talking to me?"

???"Yeah, I'm Jaune arc short, sweet, rolls off the tongue and the ladies love it."

y/n"do they really?"

Jaune"well one day they will."

y/n"Hahah, well my name is y/n l/n and that was my semblance."

Jaune"Oh... whats a semblance?"

Y/n"(sigh)...ill tell you"

After explaining about how semblances and auras you noticed that since Jaune didn't know what they were he didn't have them so you decided to help him out.

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