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Author note last chapter i didn't mean that the story ended i meant the chapter sorry for any confusion.


Since yesterday y/n has felt an odd feeling like he was watched by someone or something.He thought he was just going crazy at first but as time passed the feeling stayed and he was certain, someone is watching him.

y/n thought*This person is really persistent,just leave me alone*

y/n started to make his way to the test arena and met up with Jaune,y/n noticed straight away that he was happier than normal.

y/n"Hey Jaune why so happy?Did something happen?"

Jaune"Hey y/n i just met the most beautiful girl ever!"

y/n"Jesus calm down,who is this mysterious girl that lives in your imagination?"

Jaune"Well... hey that's mean, anyway her name is Pyrrha Nikos look she is over there."

As y/n looked over he saw Pyrrha.

y/n"Jaune... you right, so you think of asking her out?"

Jaune"What no she wont be interested in me."

y/n"Don't be so sure just give it a shot."

Jaune"Ok Ok i will but later."

y/n"Good man. Anyway what are we waiting for?"

Jaune"Oh Ozpin is giving a speech, hopefully its better than the last one."

Ozpin"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.There will be artifacts for you to collect, collect them and you pass.Good luck to you all. "

Y/n and Jaune thought*Okay Ozpin still looks like he doesn't care, okay then* 

Jaune"Oh how will we get in there?"

Ozpin"You will be placed into the forest."

y/n noticed he was smirking and realized they would be launched.

y/n"Jaune before you ask we will be launched into the forest  by the pads we are on, we will need to make up a landing strategy."

Jaune"Oh that seems dangerous...Wait can you fly with your semblance."

y/n"I don't know."

Jaune"Try it."

y/n"Ok"y/n focused on using his semblance to grant him the ability to fly.He didn't know how to implement it though but he had an idea a new set of Armour.

y/n"Ok Jaune i think i made new Armour check it."

???"Hazard on. TAKA GATTINLING."

???"Super best match. Are you ready?"


???"Uncontoled switch hawk gatting No waaaaay!"

Jaune"That is the coolest shit i have every seen."

y/n"I know right, its called the hawk gatting Armour set but hawk gatting for short."

y/n looked around him to see people in shock, people that curious and people that are jealous.

y/n"What first time meeting Kamen rider Hazard."

Jaune looked confused."Kamen rider Hazard why that name?"

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