Before Beacon

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6 years after Ozpin adopted y/n, y/n is reading about semblances and auras get a better understanding of what they are and why they haven't appeared for him yet. Then he hears a knock at  his door, he knew exactly who it was.

y/n" Come in Dad ...and the other person"

Ozpin opens the dorr and walks in with the mysterious person

Ozpin" hello son (whispers to the person next to him)told you he was good"

y/n" and i'm even better than that dad and mysterious person"

Ozpin"Ah my apologies, y/n this glynda goodwitch at teacher at beacon and your new combat instructor be careful she is strong and smart"

y/n" when am i not ... don't answer that"both you and ozpin laugh. 

glynda"your combat training starts now meet me outside"

y/n" yes miss"

Ozpin"yes miss? what was that"

y/n" showing respect to my tutor and a teacher"

Ozpin" that's my boy, go and get ready"

y/n" yes sir"

You then proceed to start to gather your combat equipment( its the same clothes on the bio page they are bother your combat and civilian clothes just the combat one has body armor on)then you grab your staff and think:

*i wont hold back*.When you reached outside you could see both glynda and ... Qrow.

y/n" Hey uncle"

Qrow"Sup kid i will be your sparring partner try not to disappoint me too much"

y/n"You arrogant son of a"

Ozpin over the intercom"LANGUAGE"


Qrow"Lets get this started"


Glynda" begin"

As soon as she said that both you and Qrow rushed at each other clashing weapons, luckily you were able to kick Qrow back and you rushed in again.

Qrow"heh... got you"

y/n*he pretended to be affected by the kick*

Qrow tried to slash at you but you slid under his blade used your staff to trip over.But a huntsman doesn't go down easily and caught himself before he touched the floor.

Qrow with a grin on his face"cheeky cheeky y/n but that wouldn't hurt with my aura now time to get serious"

Qrow rushed at you throwing his sword to distract you from his advance and as he got closer to you hes started to throw punches and kicks to cause as much damage as he could, and with one kick he sent you flying back.

Qrow"You need to be more aware"

With those words you felt power surge through you as your aura finally appeared but you didn't know what was going to happen next you heard a voice shout out:

???"Y/n l/n i am Kamen rider build and your semblance makes it so my power is your power use it wisely" and after he finished he turned into an orb and enter your body. Qrow, Ozpin and Glynda couldn't believe what they saw but everyone heard:

???"Hazard on "followed by rock music 

???"Rabbit, tank, super best mach " followed by rock music

???"Rattling and clanging.... are you ready?"


????"uncontrolled switch! black hazard! No waaay"

And with that the armor as arrived this is what it looks like just without the belt

Rwby x male reader (Kamen rider build oc)Where stories live. Discover now