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Well Yesterday went well,Y/n "sister" attacked him in front of his old and new family, he lost control and could of killed them,Glynda stopped the attempt and sent the attack back at Y/n, he had to be carried out off Ozpins office and now the truth has been spread through out of Beacon.Everyone knows about your past some people understood it others were being pricks.Today is the first day of class, lets see what happens today.

Y/n woke up in his own dorm as the normal ones could only hold up too 4 people he got his own right next to JNPR. Y/n then tried to stretch "Oh Jesus... forgot about how much this hurts."Y/n then checked his scroll to see what the day had in store for him.It said that he had classes in 2 hours.

Y/n"Well might as get ready know."With that said Y/n started to get ready for the day ahead,but he accidentally woke up a few people.

Jaune"Y/n what are you doing up?"

Y/n"Getting ready classes start in two hours."

Jaune"Oh really!Shit i'm gonna get the others up."

Y/n"Yeah you should."

Jaune yelled "Nora, Ren and Pyrrha get up."

With that the rest of team JNPR got up and ran to Jaune.

Ren"Whats wrong?"

Nora"Yeah why did you wake us up?"

Jaune"Class starts in two hours."

Pyrrha, Norra, Ren"Oh ohhh ok then."

Y/n*They took that surprisingly well.*When the end of that thought arrived he couldn't even see the rest of his team.They all ran of to get ready for the day ahead.

Half an hour later.

Y/n was sat down in his dorm working on his staff.Last time he used it his semblance entered the weapon so Y/n is checking for damages.Until he heard his door burst open.

Nora"Y/n the rest of the team want to talk."

Y/n"Ok i'm coming."Y/n started to walk over to the rest of his team.

Y/n"What is it you guys want to talk about?"

Pyrrha"...It's about yesterday."

Y/n"I'm out."

Jaune "Wait we're a team we can help you."

Y/n"...Fine ask away."

Ren"Will you ever forgive them for what they have done?"

Y/n"...Maybe but not now i need time... time to think."


Nora"But why?Why forgive them?"

Y/n"If i don't the memories will haunt me forever."

After a bit of silence Pyrrha asked the third question:"What happens to you when you lose control?"

Y/n"Ah well... it's like i'm in the passenger seat of my body I can only watch and not interfere.I can only wait until it is over ."

Jaune"What takes over?"

Y/n"Anger, pain you name it, all the negative emotions the memories cause me to have."

Pyrrha"We're sorry if this is a sensitive subject to bring up."

Y/n"Oh no it's fine but it's hard to shake the feeling."

Nora"What feeling?"

Y/n"The feeling that at any moment I could lose control."

Jaune"It's Ok if you do we will help to bring you back."


Nora"By breaking your legs."

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