From Haiti to Japan

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Dear God,

All these tragedies round the world

Got me thinking what it's for

God why You let the quake and the water hit Japan?

Why You allow the earth to shake and destroy the lives of men?

People screaming out to you

Asking, "God, what'd you do?

Why'd you do this?

What's the purpose?

My family's dead or lost

I can't find my baby brother

It's to much for me to handle

Why You'd do this to me, Father?"

God my heart cries out for peace

But I know it's just the start

Of the wars and disasters 

We humans miss the mark

Forget the peace fo the Master 

We made this earth with a plan

Got the whole world in His hands

But we don't understand

We blame it all on God

Say the deaths are all His fautlt

That you can't trust the God of a Christian

If He's all-mighty, why did Haiti happen again in Japan?

But out God can stop wars from starting!

He can stop water from destroying!

It's the sin of man and the world

That keeps His hand that's all-powerful

From preventing natural disasters 

If we change the desires that man is after

From lust and greed to the heart of God

From hate and lies to the Son above

If we all persued Jesus like we chased after fame

If we ran towards God instead of hunting the dame

Call to Your name

Haiti needs to know You're there! 

Let Japan know that You are near

Please use the prayers from us at home

To comfort those who are alone

Thank you for hearing my heart's words

Please help those around the world

Know that it's in Your plan

Though it's hard to understand

In Jesus's name I pray


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