Trapped in My Sin

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God you're all I want

My only desire is to walk with you

I want to hold Tour hand though I don't always stand

I fall a lot, I slip and stumble and trip and become humbled

I know I sin everyday

It's a battle that I'm losing miserably at

In fact

I haven't won in a long time

But I think it's about time to come back to You

I've been straying for too long

I'm not strong I'm weak

I'm meek and unable to live a life worthy of anything without You

Your help, guidance, your love, kindness

So pick me up again and please mend me

I've got cuts and bruises, I've been used by my sin  to pleasure myself and I've been turned helpless

I can't take it anymore

I'm sore and can't take any more of my sin that's been eating away and feeding each day on my soul

My soul that You created

You made it!

How could I let sin destroy it?

I've been rendered worthless and useless

By myself

But with Your help

You can make me whole

Restore my soul and save me from this hole

This deep hole that I've dug

I made it

It's my doing, my handiwork

I'm not proud of it

In fact I hate it

But it's there and I'm stuck in it

I stretch my arms up high toward the sky and pray for a rescue

A miracle

Anything to aid me in my helpless state

Is it too late?

Have I sunk too far?

I can hardly see the stars

Their usual bright glow is so low I don't know where I am

Am I dead, have I died?

Has my sin taken over my whole body, slowly pulling my lowly self down until hit the bottom of a pit?

I admit it sounds scary

Like a sy-fy movie where the bad guy is a monster created by a mad doctor

But that sounds like me

I've made a monster of my sin

I've fed it over and over again with attention and eventually the depression sets in and I can't stand to look at face anymore

My face is the face of a person who nailed the Son the to cross

Two parts of a cross made one bridge that I could cross

From death to life from darkness to light

But each time I sin I'm re-nailing Him

He already paid for my mistakes but my sin drives in the stake that holds him on the cross

So how do I come back?

I feel like I should start all over I'm so off track on a detour that for sure I'm too lost to find my way back

But that's where You come in

You take my hand and guide me along

I said I wasn't strong, You are

You'll all mighty and powerful

When I start to sag behind you'll give me a gentle pull

Telling me to stay on the path

Trust the One with my life's map

He's got the directions

And my sins deception isn't fooling me anymore

I used to be its tool but now I'm its boss

It can't touch me when I'm walking with God

When we're together I'm sure that I'll never be abandoned or forgotten

So now

I'm with God

And He's with me

I'm out of the hole

And have been made whole

Are you feeling like me?


Well time to come clean and be free

There's no fee or condition to being a Christian

But it is a mission like impossible to try and be alone walking this earth

I hope you come to find your worth from my God who saves

God bless and have a good day

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