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Man, there’s just something about music

The way that it takes a few words to move ya

It leaves you feeling

Awe inspired

Lifted up higher

Or perhaps more tired

Of the cheaters and liars

Music brings out the

Born and bred fighter

Fueled by the desires

Locked away until the timer

Ticked off to zero

And perhaps,

Music had a say in that

It reached down in you

And exposed the hidden hero

The melody of the chorus

Got you thinking “There’s more to this”

I’m not gonna leave life

While I’m sitting here scoreless

Now stop

Do you hear that?

The sweet sound of a guitar playing back

Music is a way for us all to distract

From thinking about the future the present or the past

In fact

Listen again

Your fancy iPhones ain’t got nothing on these soft tones

A true artist can change what a man knows

Take an unknown and with time compose

A piece of beauty that will expose

The parts enclosed

Prettied up with red bows

The overtones

Cause you to think again

Warming downbeats mixed with a sweet leap

Cause you to stay in your seat

And think about what you are

Who you’ve been

Where to go from here

And how to forgive


Music has a strange way

Of reaching deep inside

Releasing the rushing tide

And expose all my lies


Don’t know what it is

But music has a role

That’s not restricted to playlists

It plays the heart strings like a violin

If you just listen and take it in

You’ll realize what it does is beyond what they sing

The meaning behind it

May vary for each

But for me,


It puts my heart on my sleeve

And that’s why

I play music

And write these songs

Not to get famous

Or hear thundering applause

But because like the amateur who plays out on her lawn

There’s something about music

That makes me feel like I belong

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