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Way back then we were so young

Called best friends but before long

My love for you was as deep as a footlong

But as time when by life said that we were so wrong

I tried to hold on

Then you said so long

You kept moving on

Left me behind to find out where I belong

I was so torn up like buildings against King Kong

Confused as if I was living in downtown Hong Kong

Always yelling at myself “Come on!”

How could I be so dumb?

To go along for that ride

Let my emotions control

I was blinded to your lie

There was no one to confide in

No hole that I could hide in

I had chose to dive in

Losing air I was dying

I thought I’d reached the end

Run out of room to go

But then you pulled me out

And gave me some hope

Hope, man, it drives ya

The purest form from the Messiah

The one who gave power to old Elijah

The only God Jehovah Jirah

Now I know you only got a couple minutes to listen

But hope is a great power to plug in

Two years on this hopeful high

No it’s not dope it helps me cope with the lie

And maybe there’s someone out there made just for me

Now I’m gonna slow down so I can see


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