Is this true love?
Is it all for real?
Or is my heart fooling me
Decieving what I feel?
Are you the one?
My perfect soul mate
The other half of me
The reason my heart waits
When I'm with you
I wish time would slow
So you'd never have to leave
Never need to go
I didn't really realize
What you meant to me
Until we talked all night
Sharing our true feelings
I wish I knew for sure
Whether our future is together
Will we be more than just friends?
Will there be an "us" forever?
Are we meant to be?
I'm starting to hope so
But if God has other plans
Then that's the path we'll have to go
As for now I'll just wait
It's all I can really do
I'll seek God's wisdom
To see if our love is true
But I'll always love you.