Chapter 2 - Unexpected twist : i'm getting kidnapped

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Hey guys ! Another chapter of kidnapped.

I look at Matt, laying unconscious on the floor of the van's boot.

I walk towards the man cautiously, and he lowers his gun.

"Good girl. Now get into the boot, Ashley," he smiles crookedly.

I freeze at the mention of my name. This is no random kidnapping. This person knows my name. They know who i am. This is all planned. So many thoughts flow into my mind, preventing me from thinking straight as i look into the man's eyes.

"You have just messed with the wrong girl. Let Matt go." I say, my voice edgy as I approach him in a manner, I hope, looks menacing.

"Feisty much today? Don't make this any harder than it has to be." he answers.

I snarl and kick the gun out of his hand using my left foot. Not letting him recover from the shock, I throw a punch in his face.

"Surprised much ? Never saw a girl fight ?" I sneer before planting a knee in his stomach. I then grab his face and crash my elbow into it. Crimson blood flows out of his nose onto my white shirt. He growls painfully before grabbing my hair and pulling it.

I yelp at the pain before twisting his hand behind his elbow, forcing him to let my hair go. I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, dislocating his shoulder.

Another man who helped put Matt in the car runs towards us, his hand reaching for his back pocket. I expect him to pull out a gun, but before I can react, sprays something in my face and eyes. I scream and let go of my hostage. My eyes burn and water painfully as I feel someone grab me firmly, pushing me into the ground.

I trash around like a fish outside water, unable to see. My whole face feels like it's on fire. I then feel a tight grip on my shoulders, and a handkerchief is held over my nose and mouth. The smell invades all my senses. Chloroform...

"BASTARDS !!! LET GO OF ME!!" I yell and keep on trashing around, hoping to draw attention from passerbies. But my agitated jumping and kicking around lasts only a few minutes as the chemical slowly takes over my mind...

I feel my strength leaving me as I battle to stay awake, barely conscious.

The last thing I feel is hands lifting me off the ground and dropping me on the hard floor of the boot.
Matt is already lying unconscious beside me. This is the last thing I see before closing my eyes and drifting off to a cold, dreamless sleep.




Love you guys !


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