Chapter 6 : Wait for it

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Hello pumpkins ! How are you doing ? I'm sorry I haven't published in a long time :) I wasn't feeling motivated... but anyway, I decided to move my lazy person and decided it's time to publish another chapter!

Enjoy !


Matt posts himself in front of the door. What an idiot. If they have weapons, he will be the first thing they will fire on. I grab his hand and pull him against the wall besides me. I put my finger to his lips to prevent him from making any noise. And wait. Wait for it. Wait for it...

The door bangs open and a man jumps in screaming : "Hands up !" pointing his gun at the place where we were tied up before.


Huh. Stupid. What is wrong with him ? You can't just jump in like that ! You could get killed ! What if you get surprise-attacked like this ?

I jump out from the side of the door and, before he realises we're not there, slam my foot into the small of his back, causing him to fall flat on his face. I then grab his gun and turn around ready to shoot anyone who dares stand in between me and freedom. 

I point the gun at the rest of the squad that has already circled us in a tight grip. 

Wait. Where is Matt ? I panic. 

"Good try, young lady." I hear a voice behind me say. I quickly turn around to face a man pointing a gun at Matt's forehead only a few meters away from me. The man looks in his 40s, is tall and has icy blue eyes. The same as the man who kidnapped us in the first place. And yet, it's not him, I know it ! They don't have the same morphology. He is wearing a kind-of modern looking black army uniform that covers every inch of his skin except his head.

The man bursts out laughing. "You really thought that you could escape ? That you could outwit me ?" he sneers. His voice is not the same as the other guy anyway.

I bite my tongue to prevent myself from bursting out in frustration. I am going to need to be calm and use cunningness to save Matt.

Seriously ?! Ironic, isn't it ? How he wanted to protect you and instead needs your saving ? I wasn't expecting him to fight like Bruce Lee or anything but couldn't he have NOT gotten caught ? Or at least not immediately ? 

"Hey !" the man yells at me. "Don't get any nasty ideas, minx. I've got ten of my best Elites pointing machine guns at you and I'm pointing a Glock 17 at your boyfriend's head."

Glock 17^^

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Glock 17^^

I sigh. He's right. They'll be able to kill me 10 times even before I can shoot once. Besides, they are all wearing bullet-proof equipment so it will be no use shooting anyway. However I do not know what Elites are. Maybe some type of Mafia warriors ? Or military officers ? Anyway, I do NOT appreciate the vocabulary he employs (minx)...

"I'm not her boyfriend !" Matt protests.

Exactly. I wish though. But that is not what worries me right now....

"I don't care, lover boy. But it's obvious you like each other." he grins.

"Oh, curse you..." I mutter as red as a tomato.

He bursts out laughing again with Matt looking incredibly cute pouting. All the Elites stare at them, puzzled. I use that distraction to slowly back away closer to a stack of boxes. Once I'm next to it, I bang my foot into the bottom box. All the boxes in that stack come crashing down gloriously onto a few Elites. The box at the top slams into the stack next to it and brings that one crashing down too. YES ! I did it !

Seven Elites down, three plus one man to go !

I hear the three last Elites cock their guns behind me. I twirl around, worried for Matt.

The man grumbles. "That wasn't very clever, chica. " He looks really annoyed now. When he came in, he already looked pissed, but now... he looks REALLY pissed. He glanced around at his seven 'best Elites' now lying on the floor, unarmed, crushed by boxes, swearing profanities (at me?). I thought I saw a glimpse of admiration flash past his eyes for a second.

He turned around and stared hard at me, as if he was trying to murder me.

I stare back at him, shooting invisible daggers out of my eyes at his heart.

He then cocks his gun and points it at Matt's temple.

"Two bullets, gurl." he warns me. "Drop the gun now."

"Or ?" I find the nerve to say.

"Or ?" he laughs "I think you know what 'or', niña." he says resting the gun next to Matt's temple. I can see him gulp from where I am standing. No ! I won't let it happen. Not again. Never again.

I throw the gun on the floor.

The man looks surprised, or maybe unimpressed?, that I gave up so easily. He smirks.

"Ok ! I dropped the gun. Now let Matt go !" I say through gritted teeth. He bends down next to Matt's ear and whispers something to him. Matt's face reddens, and he looks down guiltily. What did that jerk say to him ?

Matt looks up at me guiltily and whispers 'sorry'.

What ? Why ?  I close me eyes. No Matt. Please no. Please tell me you didn't do anything-

The Elite I knocked out first jerks up and tries to throw a punch at my face. Key word : tries. I catch the punch just on time and swipe him to the ground. I then grab his neck and pull him to my chest, blocking any movement of his. I tear of my hostage's motorbike-looking helmet and her long blond hair comes cascading down her back.

So she's a girl.

I use my foot to propel the gun I had thrown on the floor moments ago into my hand. I catch it with ease and hold it to her temple.

Everyone in the room stares at me. The Elites look absolutely shocked and Matt's jaw is to the ground but the man nods his head as if he approved of the situation. He probably hasn't realised what this situation means yet. Wait for it... After the rain comes the storm.

"Good job Ashley !" The man says "I must admit I am impressed. You used a very disadvantaged situation and turned it into an equilibrated one. Applause." 

The last three Elites start clapping their hands, shamefully.

I am now absolutely confused.

What do you think happened ? What did the man say to Matt ? 

See ya soon sweeties !

Love you !




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