Chapter 8 : Ugh! I hate you!

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Hey readers !! How are y'all doing ?

God bless the Queen's soul. My sincere condolences to Her Majesty's family, friends and country. She will always hold a special place in my heart for she was a very special person.

WARNING : This chapter contains coarse language (in Spanish). I don't use ANY of these words (I had to check it up on the Internet), in this case ONLY to add a little color to Ashley's and the man's vocabulary. This chapter is not meant to insult ANYONE.

I look at Matt in his arms then at this girl in my arms. She is trying to look brave even though she cannot hide the shock and the horror in her face. Is that man trying to make me mad so that I will shoot her or is he actually enjoying this situation ?

"What do I gain from killing her ?" I ask.

He seems have already prepared the answer. "We will let you and your boyfriend go."

"You will free us ?" I ask for verification, bewildered by the news. He is asking me to kill this girl in exchange for my freedom ?

"Yes. Free. You will be able to get back home and see Mila." He confirms.

I look at Matt. Freedom for him and me ? They are willing to let both of us go for the price of her life ?

The best I can do in this situation, as a normal human being, is stare at him with my jaw on the floor.

I look at Matt, held at gunpoint by this stranger, and again at the girl in my arms, held at MY gunpoint. She looks at me horrified.

I look at the man in front of me again.

"Do I have your word ?" I ask.

"Yes, you do." he says smiling.

I look at blondie again and then at the floor. What should I do ? I can feel the tension in the air, everything is silent, as if the world was holding its breath, waiting for my answer. For a second I feel lost, I get to decide in between life and death, in between freedom and captivity. Every thought of freedom brings me back to her eyes. She is alive. She has a name. She has a life. She has a family. She has someone who loves and cares for her.

I feel tempted to let her go and make a run for the door but that would mean leaving Matt behind. I think of talking my way out of this mess but I have no surety they will let us go. I think of accidentally shooting this man but I would risk shooting Matt as well.

"What do you want from us ?" I ask him, trying option 2.

"..." he doesn't answer.

"Listen, I don't want to kill her, ok ? She poses no material treat to me !" I try to explain.

"Shoot her." he answers, almost like a robot.

"And who told you I would obey what you say to me ?" I smirk, still trying to bring this man back to reason.

"Shoot her or die." he says, his word final.

No other options available. I sigh and look at this girl. Sorry. I can't even bring myself to look at her.

I hear her whimper as I tighten my hold of her and point the gun at her temple.

"I'm sorry." I apologise. I barely have time to hear a sob escaping her lips before I jerk the gun down to her stomach and shoot.

I hear her scream a horrifying, high-pitched noise. I gently lay her down on the floor, before looking up at the man.

"Now let us go." I order.

The man smiles before taking a step forward and looks down at the wounded girl on the floor with disgust.

"I told you I'd let you go if you killed her." he smiles before adding "As far as I'm concerned, Amanda here is vey much alive."

I look at him in the eyes. "I. refuse. to. kill. her." I say firmly.

"Well then, if you don't respect your part of the acuerdo ('deal' in spanish) , then I won't respect mine." he looks in my eyes.

I swallow hard. He just won't let me go! Why ?

"Que te folle un pez. Listen cabron, I have no idea why you kidnapped us, but if it's because of Juan,  Matt and I have nothing to say about it." I desperately try to reason him.

"Juan ?" he looks confused now.

"You don't know about Juan ?" I ask hopefully.

"Errr..." he clears his throat. "Who's Juan ?" he asks.

 HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT JUAN ?! Oh thank, heaven!

"'re not from the mafia ?!" I ask, digesting the news. If they're not from Juan or enemies of Juan, then who are they ?

He bursts out laughing.

"The mafia ?!" he laughs "No honey, you got that quite wrong." he states, suddenly getting serious.

"Then who are you ?" I ask. The man opens his mouth but, before he could say a word, Matt suddenly jabs the man in the stomach, freeing himself, and grabs his gun before sprinting to the door. 

YAY! They're free!! I'm honestly so happy for them!! Sorry for the short chapter but I need a break so I'm just publishing this then I'll write the next chapter later.

Phew! That was a lot of emotions ! I think it's a good idea to call it a Chapter before we get on to the NEXT CHAPTER that will be exciting...

Please check out my new story : Storm and the dinosaurs

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See y'all soon and stay safe !


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