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Hi fellow Wattpaders !

^^I'm not sure I spelled that properly :/ wattpadders ? wattpaderrs ? wwaattppaaddeerrss ? :D

Anyway, sorryI'mlateforpublishingIwasbusywithlife. I recognize it's my mistake so I don't mind (or do I?) (it's also partially my sisters fault who NEVER leaves me alone *whines while sister attacks me with a hanger as a hand pretending to be Captain Hook from Peter Pan* pff..sisters.)

*clears throat*

Enjoy this SPECIAL POV :)



Istared in awe at the girl behind the glass roaming free from herropes. I had tied those ropes tightly myself, and yet there she was,completely unbounded. A frustrated groan escapes my lips again. Thisgirl, she's incredible. And troublesome, I add bitterly.

Myteam has been watching her for almost a year now, I know everythingabout her like they way she bits her lips when she tries not to laughor the way she holds her breath before looking at her exam papers orhow she discreetly checks on her siblings before going to sleep.

Butgetting out of tied ropes? Now, that's something else ! Iknow she can fight and I know she's good at fixing things and I knowhow clever she is, but-

Ilook at her amazed trough the one sided mirror as she unties Matt'swrists. I swear under my breath, I'm in charge of keeping an eye onthe recruits. I hit the intercom button, "Boss. We got aproblem. Both recruits have untied themselves."

"Youmean, you have a problem, Agent09." answers a deep voicein the speaker.

"Yessir", I gulp.

Ihear him sigh on the other end of the line.

"Youcan't let your feelings get in the way of the mission. We don't wanta repeat of Manhattan. Remember, Blue Hope before love, Blue Hopebefore money and fame, Blue Hope till death." he adds beforecutting the line.

Iwarily press a button to send in some help to catch them once again,and as I turn around, I see her staring at the door with a look ofpure terror in her eyes.

Thesquad has arrived.




Will be back soon with the next chapter. Until then... Have a nice day !


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