Chapter 5 : The squad has arrived

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Hey people ! Hope you're all well. :D Sorry for the late update, I had another writing block. Anyway, I did my Cambridge B2 exam yesterday and it went pretty well. I live in France so... Cambridge B2 was the highest level the could give even though I was evaluated 3 years ago at level C1 :)

Anyhow ! Enjoy.... *evil smile*


I scan the room from ceiling to floor, searching for any objects that could give us a clue as to where we are being held prisoners. All I can see are those wooden and plastic boxes. I try to open a box but the lid is nailed into the rim making the box impossible to open without a hammer. What could possibly be in these?

"Maybe drugs, weapons, or alcohol", Matt whispers, reading my mind.

"Maybe. Or maybe it's just legal merchandise, who knows ? Anyway, I'm not hanging around to find out either way." I reply. He nods his head in agreement.

I grab the ropes that held us and stuff them into a bag that was lying on a box. Matt looks around inquisitively to find other objects to put in the bag. Apart from the boxes lying around and the mirror at the end of the room, there isn't anything that could be considered useful.

I look at the mirror on the wall. Why on earth is it there ? I mean, if I was a bloody police-researched kidnapper, the last thing I would worry about is if I looked good or not. What if....

"Oh no, Matt. The mirror." I cry out in horror.

"What?" he looks at me worriedly before looking at the mirror I'm staring at. "The mirror, they can see us. Just like in the police station rooms. It's a one way mirror."

I watch as realization seeps into his face. "Oh great", he mutters, "Maybe it isn't one. I mean, it looks just like anormal mirror. Besides, they haven't come to get us yet", he adds hopefully.

I look at him, wondering how can he be so positive in a situation like this one. Then I look at the thin girl staring back at me with big blue eyes. She's bruise less, no scratches on her smooth skin... She doesn't even look tired or drugged. I look like a complete stranger to myself. How could I look so normal after everything that has happened ?

Wait...a mirror. Whoever says 'mirror' says 'sharp shards'. I walk up to the mirror and put my fingertip on the mirror to check out the reflection. I just remembered an old trick my granddad had thought me when I was little : If there's no gap between your fingernail and the reflected image, it's a one-way mirror.

When I look at my fingertip's reflection, there is no gap. I sigh in frustration. "Great", I mutter. Matt looks at me then at my finger in a confused manner. "I confirm. It's a one-way mirror. They might be watching us on the other side", I add before crashing my knee into the mirror's edge. A piece of the mirror shatters on the floor. I bend down to pick it up and then notice the crimson bloodstain on it. I jerk my hand away, shocked. I then look at my knee guiltily and watch the blood dripping out of the fresh wound located just under my knee cap.

I bend down and pick the shard off the ground to put it in my bag. I look at Matt who is staring at my knee with horror in his eyes. "Doesn't it hurt ?", he whispers. "No, it doesn't", I lie and turn towards the door feeling his eyes staring holes into the back of my head.

I walk up to the door and press my ear on it to try to find any movement behind it. First of all, there is no sound whatsoever but then I hear a soft roar of chatter and something like soldiers marching. The sound gets louder and louder until it is right behind the door.

"They're here!", I whisper-shout to Matt. He immediately springs into action as if he had been spiked with a needle in the back. He grabs the bag from around my torso and takes the fragment of glass in his hand. He then grabs me by my waist and pushes me behind him so that he is shielding me with his body. Even though he is trying to look brave for me, terror is written all over his face. I will not let you protect me. I do not need your protection. I can and will fight.

"I can protect myself, thank you very much!", I roll my eyes at him as I try to pass next to him but he grabs my arm and keeps me behind him. "No, let me protect you. I won't let them hurt you", he says with fear yet determination in his eyes. He is just as frightened as me.

"No. I can defend myself. Besides, I put up a fight last time, I'll put up a fight now." I say confidently. He hesitates for a second. A second too long. I dash in front of him and post myself next to the door, in such a way that, when they open the door, I will punch the life out of them as they enter. I grab Matt's hand and pull him against the wall behind me. And wait. Wait for it. Wait for it...

The door bangs open and a man jumps in screaming "Hands up !"pointing his gun at the place where we were tied up before (how cliché xD).

One-way mirrors are mirrors that show are mirror reflection on one side but are like a see-through window on the other side. Heheheh




 Have a great day! God bless you all.


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