Chapter 3 : Did I mention I was an escape artist ?

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Sorry guys for the late update. I had some kind of writer's block. Then, this morning, I had some kind of illumination on what to do ! Next chapter will be amazing as we get to change POV (point of view) !

As I slowly wake up from my slumber, I hear a soft breathing beside me.

"Ashley ?" a familiar manly voice says.

I then hear a grunt. My heartbeat increases as I remember that he was shot. I carefully open my eyes. At first, I can barely open them because of the slight burning sensation remaining in my irises. Then, after blinking my eyes multiple times, I open them. I quickly look around, shocked. The room we are in is dark, with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Big boxes are stacked all the way up to the ceiling. The floor is cold and made only of concrete. I shiver.

There is a blood stain on the white floor at my side.

My hands are painfully tied in my back to a box behind me. I try to pull, but it's so tight it hurts. I turn around slightly to face Matt. He looks at me with worried eyes.

"Ashley ? Are you okay ?" he whispers. I look at him with my jaw to the floor. He's worried about me even when he's the one who got shot?

He notices my staring and adds, "Ashley, it's me, Matt. Uh, the boy next door, remember ?" I roll my eyes and mutter "I know" under my breath.

"We got kidnapped a few hours ago. And, I saw you put up a pretty good fight !" he grinned with a wink. "But are your eyes okay? They're a bit red," he adds worriedly. I nod again, blinking consciously at the tingling feeling remaining in my irises.

"Are you okay ?" I ask him, worried. "After all, you're the one who got shot."

"Yeah, I'm fine. The bullet just grazed my shoulder," he adds, understanding my worry, "I got operated. They stitched me up quite well. I was already here when they brought you in," he answers.

"Operated ? What kind of kidnappers operate their victims after kidnapping them ?" I say out loud, thinking. He looks at me.

"I don't know," he frowns, "You are right. That is weird."

I look at his shoulder, trying to see through the fabric. He catches my gaze and adds, "No, I'm fine, really."

I look into his eyes again, trying to find a hint of a lie or some hidden pain. He looks around, avoiding my gaze.

I decide not to make him uncomfortable  and look at the knot behind his back. I can't help but notice that his hands are tied behind his back to a box in a very special kind of knot, just like me.

Did I mention that I'm an escape artist ? Well, not really, but I did learn a few easy tricks to untangle my wrists from a rope or how to pick a simple lock or even how to pass my hands trough the bars of a cage, courtesy of my father. He taught me most of these tricks. I smile, thinking of him.  I do miss him...

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and look intensely at his wrists. I am sure they did the same knot for both of us. So, if I study his knot I can find which type it is and find a way to undo my hands.

He notices my gaze

"What are you doing ?" he asks curiously.

"I'm studying your knot to try to free myself," I answer, deeply concentrated.
He tries moving his wrists to show me the solidity.
"It's to tight. You won't be able to untie it," he sighs. I choose to ignore him and continue my work.

I slowly swirl my wrists hoping to loosen the rope even slightly. I succeed, and the rope loosens. I smile to myself, as i feel my confidence coming back to me.

"Why are you smiling ?" Matt asks me, confused. "I just managed to loosen my knot," I answer with a grin that he returns.

I then grab, with two of my fingers, the piece of rope situated just above my lunate bone and pull.

The rope loosens. I do the same to the other hand. I look at Matt's knot and try to picture mine in my mind's eye, then pull on the rope passing in between my scaphoid and trapezium bones. The rope loosens even more. I look at Matt with triumph in my eyes. I did it ! I then pull on both my wrists to free myself completely and the rope falls to the ground. I massage my wrists, the burning sensation of the tight rope fading away.
I stare in amazement at my hands. All my scars are gone! The scars from the fight are nowhere to be seen. My hands would look perfect if it wasn't for the red marks the rope had left.

I get to my feet, a bit shakily. My knees are all shaky from the fight, the adrenaline, the chloroform and all the fright. I smile briefly at Matt before bending down and frantically start undoing his knot.

Sorry for stopping here, but you will understand why in the next chapter. Also, I think you all noticed how I LOVE anatomy, so sorry to bore (or complicate your life) with those scientific terms. I just don't know how to describe your wrists without these terms, so just bear with me. I like being precise.

Hope you enjoy reading this story !





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See you soon for the next chapter !

Love you guys !


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