☆ Chapter Three ☆

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A/N: HELLOOO. I'm back with..

CHAPTER 3! I'm sooo sorry for not updating after a week. I had exams but now I'm able to relax already! //cheers//

Please enjoy! ♡

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *


[ Chapter Three ]

[ Sebastian's POV ]

" I believe you know that very well.. I take walks around the garden or read books in the library whenever I have free time. What more can I do? " I blinked lightly at the boy who rolled his eyes as he spoke.

" How about a fencing match between you and I? " I suggested, raising an eyebrow lightly at him as I awaited for an answer.

" How am I supposed to win if I have a match with you? "

" I could always go easy on the Young Master if that's all it takes for you to win. " I shrugged but only to see a somewhat displeased look lingering on his face.

" No. I won't let you underestimate me. I'll win. " That kind of attitude.. It was part of what attracted me to his soul. But as for now..

" Very well then, shall we? " I admire that attitude of his.. He's been like that ever since the day we met..


" Young Master, are you ready? " It would be extremely easy for me to win the match without going easy on the boy.. I guess I'll just have to mess around for a bit to get him warmed up before getting serious..

[ Ciel's POV ]

" Enough of the talking. Get on with it! " I held the foil firmly in my hand as I lunged forward at the male, thrusting my arm out at him to attack.

" That's foul play, Young Master. " Sebastian chuckled as he parried my attack easily with a swing of his arm.

" Your posture is unsteady, you could've fell if you weren't anymore careful. " Is he planning to get on my nerves the whole day today? I've been in such a foul mood all this while because of him!

I then pulled a feint on him, it seemed to work but he was awfully quick to react to my attack after my feint, parrying the attack easily again. It was like he wasn't even putting in the effort to have a match!

" Won't you ever play seriously for once? " No matter how much I tried to attack him, he parried every single one of my attacks, leaving me somewhat already breathless from all the movements I'm making.

" Young Master, if I were to play seriously on you, I might injure you. " I rolled my eyes and stopped attacking, pointing my weapon down to the ground. I need a plan.

If this keeps on going, I'll run out of energy and I'll never be able to win. Glancing at Sebastian, blinking lightly as I came up with a plan to win easily.

" I guess you're right. " I pulled a feint once more, the moment he fell for it, I took the opportunity to reach out with my free hand to firmly grab onto his tie.

Tugging his tie downwards to me, I pressed my lips against his cheek and pulled away quickly to have a look at his reaction.

Dumbfounded was all was written on that pale face of his.

" I win. " I whispered to him, a victory smile dancing on my lips as I poked my weapon gently against his chest.

Even with that, Sebastian still look dumbfounded for a couple more seconds before he regained himself. A chuckle left his lips and shook his head lightly, pointing his weapon down to the ground.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now