♢ Chapter Four ♢

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter for this marks the end of Day 1! ^^

Sorry for the loooong wait. I was stuck on what to write! Sorry guys. x(

Enjoy! ^^

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *


[ Chapter Four ]

[ Sebastian's POV ]

" What about the Young Master and I? " I didn't really look at her as I replied, moving off to continue with my own work. I've used up too much time on the boy, I need to focus.. And of course, let him have his time alone.

" You both.. " Meirin was hemming and hawwing around with her words. I may or may not have an idea of what she's going to ask..

" Was there something wrong with the Young Master..? " She asked, a concerned tone in her voice. She doesn't seem to be suspicious.. Nor did she look like she wanted to ask me something else instead. Naive but it's all well and good.

" He wasn't feeling very well since this morning but he didn't want to be in bed.. " I replied, as if he was really unwell. But of course.. If he really was sick, no matter how much he had wished to get off the bed, I wouldn't allow him to.

" Oh.. Is the Young Master feeling better by now? " Meirin seemed less tensed up, she looked relieved to hear that the Young Master was alright.

" I believe so. Meirin, there's no time for casual talk, move along and continue with your duties for the day. " I urged the lady to continue with her work as I headed another way.

" Y-Yes Sir! " Meirin rushed off, almost tripping over her own feet as she did but managed to balance herself. She's always this clumsy..

Oh I wonder.. Why am I able to stand living with all these people?

= Time Skip =

" Oya.. Look at who's sound asleep. " I couldn't help but just stare lightly at the boy who was asleep in his seat, the book that he was reading laid open on his stomach. His greyish-blue hair, messing up as he made light movements to adjust himself in the seat..

He will have the chance to grow into a beautiful adult whom everyone swoons after if I hadn't asked for his soul.. Perhaps, it is just that unfortunate for this child.. All his life, damaged, wretched and soon to be stolen by me.

I moved closer to the boy, my gloved fingers gently touching his cheeks as I stared down at the boy's disheveled hair. I can't help myself.. I leaned downwards and pressed my lips ontop of his head, lingering there for a while before I moved.

I'll love him as much as I can, as much as time allows me to..

" Young Master, it's time to wake up, Dinner is ready. " I called out softly, allowing the boy to take his time to wake up and adjust.

" Hmmng.. " The boy opened his eyes slowly and stretched lightly, a soft sound leaving his lips as he did before getting off his seat quietly.

" Young Master. " I called out. He turned to me but he did not reply for he was still in a somewhat sleepy state. Adorable..

" Do you wish to walk out the room with such a hairstyle? " A light smile spread across my lips as I moved towards the boy to help fix his hair.

" Shut up.. " He groaned lightly. This boy will always be so grouchy when he wakes up. It only happens when he's reluctant to wake up..

" Forgive me. " I spoke quietly, checking his hair one last time before allowing him to leave for his dinner as I followed behind obediently.


Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now