♢ Chapter Nine ♢

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A/N: Oh. My. God. Thank you guys so much for the support! This is unbelievable..

Cheers to 4.53K reads and 204 votes! You are all extremely amazing people. Never forget that!

I am also very thankful to everyone who has saved my story into their reading list. I'm glad everyone likes this story!

I've finally finished all my major exams!! I will be waiting for results AND writing more for all of you!! I'm so hyped!

This chapter is a tad bit longer than usual! So, do take it as I'm making up to you guys for the extra long wait!! ><;;

Let's move on to Chapter Nine!!

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Nine ]

[ Ciel's POV ]

" Isn't Mister Sebastian always by Young Master's side..? " Finny seemed surprised as he replied, trailing off with his words.

I fell silent and bit on my lower lip lightly. I know what's he's trying to say.. Indeed, that demon has been always by my side and Finny's just surprised why wouldn't I know Sebastian well.

If only I could tell the servants what Sebastian is..

" Aah, Young Master, I'm sorry for speaking like that! I was just- "

" It's okay, Finny. I was just thinking about something. Come, sit down and have a chat with me. " I walked over to the table in the garden and sat down comfortably on the chair.

Finny followed suit hurriedly, seeming all nervous and fidgety.

" Finny, I'm not going to eat you. " I chuckled, trying to lighten the tension within him. I had a glance over at Finny as he relaxed upon seeing me laugh.

" I'm not very curious as a person.. Therefore I do not really ask Sebastian much about himself. Won't you tell me what you think of him? "

Humorous. Saying that I'm not curious yet my words don't match up at all. What a liar I am..

" Mister Sebastian is a very kind person.. He's very compassionate too! But from what I see, you're always his priority.. " Finny started and I looked down at my hands. Am I his priority because I'm his dinner?

" Mister Sebastian always talks about you! Many times, he told me to keep the garden in good shape so you can enjoy it when you take walks in the garden! He also told me to take good care of the sterling silver roses here for you. He really cares for you, Young Master! " Finny broke out into a grin as I looked up, he seems happy for me.

Even he knows that my favourite flower is the sterling silver rose..

" You've done a great job, Finny. The flowers here are in good hands. " I complimented the blonde, watching his face light up like a child in a candy store.

[ Sebastian's POV ]

I watched quietly from the window, at the two males having a chat with one another.

It's not as though I can't hear what they're saying.. Finny's a good servant, it's very relieving that he puts the Young Master at priority as well.. Why, it's only natural for a Phantomhive servant to be worried about their master at all times, is it not?

Eavesdropping on my master, what a shallow demon I am, aren't I? Though this does help me in some ways in figuring what's on his mind.

This morning as well, he has been observing my features while I was ' asleep '. How adorable.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now