♤ Chapter Six ♤

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A/N: Gosh.. It's been so long since I wrote. I'm terribly apologetic for the extremely long wait.

Also, I can't guarantee anymore that every chapter would have as much content.. As much as I want to give you all the information but it would be pointless if all I write is rubbish. I'm sincerely sorry!!

I'm also pretty busy these days with my studies and stressed out too. Do pardon me if there are any parts that don't seem, up to standard or out of character.

Also, Thank you all for over 1800 reads and over 90 votes! I've also received lovely comments as well from a few people, thank you so much!

As for now, please continue to read on and I'll see you all in a while after! ♡

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Six ]

[ Ciel's POV ]

" What is it? " I questioned, giving him the permission to speak.

" Young Master, in all honesty, it seems that I'm jealous.. "

" Oh? Firstly, it was you saying that you had developed feelings for me.. Now you're feeling jealousy? " A smirk appeared on my face but it quickly faded. He was serious when he spoke, he didn't seem very happy.. I believe I could say that it's the first time I've seen him look that irritated.

" Young Master.. " Sebastian lowered his head lightly, a small but obviously sad smile appearing on his lips. Usually he'd tease back but he'd never look like that.. It's somehow making me feel a little down having to see him like this.

I grabbed onto his wrist and tugged him along back into my study room.

[ Sebastian's POV ]

" Young Master, what's th-..? " I blinked at the sudden embrace. He brought me into the room just so nobody would find out..

Not only did he hug me but I felt his hand gently rubbing circles on my back. It was then, I smiled. He's such a sweet child.. How precious.

" ..Just remember I don't like her.. " I listened to the slightly muffled voice of the boy and smirked lightly.

" So who does the Young Master like then? " I teased, bringing my hand up to stroke the boy's head.

" D-Don't ask when you know! " I chuckled lightly as he slapped my hand away. He's too embarassed to admit through words.. But his actions tell me enough.

" Is it Finny.. Or is it Bardroy? " I continued to tease, ignoring his reply. What a terrible demon I am, teasing a child like this.. But of course, he wouldn't like any of those troublemakers..

" ...Shut up already! " I felt a small tug on my tie and the next moment, a pair of lips were pressed against mine. I blinked as he lingered for a bit before pulling away to breathe.

" T-That's enough of an answer..! " He looked away, appearing flushed, all the way up to his ears. I was taken aback. I never wanted to do that.. Not until he was better adjusted to the fact I had developed feelings for him.

" Young Master.. Your actions do speak way louder than your words.. " I let out a small chuckle, which caused the boy to turn back and hit me.

But all I did was smile at the boy, he's already falling faster..

And deeper.

Isn't he?


" Such a masterpiece, Young Master. " I teased, looking at his artwork. I shouldn't be teasing him for his, horrible art skills.. How discouraging.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now