♡ Chapter Ten ♡

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A/N: Firstly, I just want to apologise for the ' new update ' notification previously. I misclicked and my unfinished Chapter published. ;;;;;

Also!! We hit 5K! I'm so happy! It's all thanks to you guys for supporting me all this while! I'm so glad I continued to write like how I used to!

Here's Chapter Ten! Enjoy! ♡

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Ten ]

[ Third Person ]

It has been several months since Sebastian and the young earl got together, as lovers.

As usual, the young earl always seem to reject and play hard to get with his butler. His butler, on the other hand always finds his way through to the child's heart just so he could tease him.

Sebastian's not so much of a ' poor thing '. He knows what to do to tug on the child's heart strings. It only resulted in the child falling even more head over heels for Sebastian.

Likewise for the butler himself.

Though it's still clear the young earl refuses to admit much.

Their happiness may not be long lived, though. As long as there's one particular person in their way.

That would be none other than Elizabeth Midford.

[ Ciel's POV ]

" You do not have anything important on today except for a few paperwork that you have to look through and sign. Also, I have just been notified that Miss Elizabeth is coming over. "

" What? " It wasn't as though I didn't hear what Sebastian had just said to me. It's just that, Elizabeth hasn't come over for quite a while and I've gotten a little too used to it..

" Young Master, I'm certain you are aware that you're still engaged with her? " My eye twitched at his words as I shot him a look. He shouldn't be rubbing that into my face as of this moment!

Though, that does annoy him to a certain extent to know that she's still tied to me by this engagement thing.. It's not really a win-win situation.

I don't understand him sometimes, why would he say something that would hurt me and himself at the same time?

" Shall we get this day started? " A kiss was placed by the corner of my lips. I blinked at the demon, he was back to his cheeky, smiling face again. I removed myself off of my bed as I kept the feather in my pocket safely.

It was as though the feather was my prized possession, I brought it everywhere I went. It was as though, this feather was a lucky charm to me.


" Cieeel!! Oh Ciel, I missed you so much!! I was grounded for so long. It's so sad not being able to see you! Did you miss me? " As soon as Elizabeth barged into my manor, she crushed me with a hug. I was certain I was about to suffocate and die. Her perfume only makes everything worse.

" E-Elizabeth, I can't br-breathe! Let go! " I managed to pry her arms off me, adjusting my clothing and evening out the creases. What a way to ruin my outfit..

" Oh.. Sorry Ciel! Hey, you haven't answered me! Did you miss me? " She pressed on with her question, this time clinging on my arm tightly.

Is she here to see me or torture me?

" I'm pretty certain that the Young Master missed you just as much as you missed him, Miss Elizabeth. " It was clear that Elizabeth didn't fancy Sebastian, considering she frowned a bit upon hearing Sebastian speak.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now