♧ Chapter Twelve ♧

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HUFF HUFF!! Thank you for 6.9K and 340 votes!! Oh man, I really don't want this story to end. ;;;;;

But stay tuned for more new stories from me!! I'm not all that good at writing but I'm really happy when you guys tell me how my stories are awesome!!

You are all awesome in my eyes! Thank you for supporting me! ♡

Let's move on to Chapter Twelve!

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Twelve ]

[ Ciel's POV ]

I stared at Sebastian's still figure. Until he started to inch closer to the edge of my bed.

" ..Young Master.. " He sat himself down slowly and pulled me into his embrace, stroking my back with his hands.

Naturally, I returned the gesture and wrapped my arms around him. Though something didn't feel right this time. Surely, he's not scared of the thunder or lightning..?

" Sebastian? What's the matter? " I gently patted his back a few times, but with every pat I give, he seemed to tighten his hold around my body.

" Shh.. " Sebastian held me tight even with one arm as his other hand was brought up to stroke my head, pushing my head down to his shoulder. I felt uncomfortable.

" Sebastian, it's getting a little uncomfortable for me.. " I stated, rubbing his back lightly. He's keeping awfully quiet, what does he want?

" ..on't leave me.. " I couldn't make out what he was trying to say except for the last two words. I knitted my brows in worry as I heard he inhale deeply.

" Sebastian, I can't hear what you're saying.. " What's wrong with him, why is he behaving like this? Like an animal..!

Realisation hit me, he's.. going to eat me up.. Isn't he?

I let go of him and pushed against his chest to escape, but to no avail. If he doesn't want to move, I can't do anything about it either!

As he finally raised his head and stared straight at me, his eyes had already turned from his usual crimson red to slits and a reddish pink.

A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his nails grow and poke against my skin on my back.

" Young Master.. Don't leave me.. " I stared wide eyed at the demon, He's going to eat me..!

" Why did you push me away..? " My heart rate accelerated, my breathing was fast and shallow. What am I supposed to do now?

" I- " I opened my mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted.

" I asked why did you reject me! " He raised his voice at me, it seemed as though he was having a contest with the storm outside to see who was the loudest.

He pushed me down onto my back and pinned my arms down firmly. As his grip around my wrists tightened, his nails dug into my skin and I grit my teeth in pain.

He started to pant, I watched his teeth elongate as he kept his mouth open. His drool eventually dripped onto my face. He's turning back to his original form!

I started to kick at Sebastian. I didn't want to do this. I never wanted to hurt him! He glanced down at my legs violently kicking at him but he soon brought his gaze up to meet my eyes.

" You.. Brat..! " What I did angered him more than he already is and he brought his hands to my neck, clasping onto it to choke me.

I choked as I was cut off from getting enough oxygen. I grasped desperately for air as I tried my best to pry his fingers off my neck. Nothing seemed to work.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now