♧ Chapter Two ♧

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A/N: Thanks for 50 reads guys! ♡♡ Please enjoy Chapter 2! ;* 


* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Two ]

[ Ciel's POV ]

" Very well.. My Young Lord, I admit. I have developed feelings for you.. How absurd, for a demon like me to have fallen for a human being.. I shouldn't be able to feel anything, but I'm certain it's there. In all honesty, I'd never knew that there would be this day when you ask how I feel.. " I listened to him quietly. As stupid as it sounds.. A demon in love with a human being? It already sounded ridiculous that he, a demon could actually have such feelings..

" My Lord, I have to admit one more thing, a part of me does certainly wish that what you're going through now isn't a phase.. I am terribly apologetic for being so selfish. But if you do not wish to speak of this matter again, I shall never talk about what ever happened today. " I blinked lightly at him. What should I do? Everything's going too fast.. I'm unsure yet my feelings are urging me. Is this just a phase like what Sebastian said? Would these feelings go away after a while?

" My Lord, I take your silence as you do not wish to speak about this again. Please excuse me. " Just when Sebastian was about to get up and leave me, I stopped him.

" Sebastian. " I took in a small, deep breath and slipped myself off the seat, my slim arms wrapping themselves around the demon's neck as I buried my face into his shoulder.

[ Sebastian's POV ]

I was honestly taken aback when he embraced me. It was unexpected and not like him to do such things.. But I quickly regained, my arms automatically hugging around the young boy. One hand on the back of his head and the other on his back, gently caressing.

" You are ever so sweet, my Young Lord. " I wasn't teasing him. A wide smile spread across my lips as I enjoyed the light embrace from the boy.

When he finally pulled away, my hand reached up and gently caressed his face with my thumb. I gazed at him fondly, admiring the features on his face quietly. He's such a beautiful.. Flawless human being, at least to me. This pale, yet smooth porcelain skin under my finger tips.. This big and ravishing cerulean eye..

" W-What are you staring at? Don't look at me like that.. " The boy then looked away from me, obviously flushed. The smile on my face only got wider as I leaned in to press my lips gently to the side of his head.

" I'm merely just admiring how beautiful you are, My Lord. " I was being honest, he can tell me otherwise but it's definitely not going to change how I think of him.

" ..You're embarassing.. " I softly blinked, though he had said that, he's not rejecting or pushing me away.. His words doesn't match up to his actions but I suppose, that's his way of telling me he's fine being like this.

" Young Master, it's time for you to have lunch. Where would you want to have it? " I asked, letting go of the small figure and standing up.

" In here.. " I nodded lightly and cleared up the ripped pieces of paper before leaving to get his lunch.

[ Ciel's POV ] [ Meanwhile ]

My heart, it's pounding so crazily in my chest. It feels weird.. And that kiss.. I gently touched the side of my head where he kissed as I sat back up in my seat. I feel so warm.. Just what am I feeling?

Sebastian returned, a trolley with my lunch and tea, serving it to me and stood aside after. I tucked in, chewing on my food as I turned my head lightly to have a glance at him. The moment I made eye contact with those crimson red eyes, I flushed and turned back to eat.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now