♡ Chapter Five ♡

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A/N: Thank you all for 290+ reads and over 15 votes! I'm really glad people like my story! I'll make sure to write more! ;D

I am terribly sorry for the long wait! The writer's block this time really is quite serious and I couldn't produce anything good. It's quite frustrating but I managed! Enjoy ~ ♡

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Five ]

[ Sebastian's POV ]

" Good Morning, Young Master. Did you have a good rest last night? " I stroked the boy's cheek as he sat up on the bed with his messy bed hair.

" Yes.. " I smiled at the boy, his sleepy voice made him even cuter.. As usual, I undressed and clothed him properly, doing all the necessary preparations to make him look presentable for the day.

" There's quite some paperwork for you to do, My Lord. There really isn't much time to waste for you have to finish them by today.. There will be your painting lesson and your violin lesson afterwards in the afternoon. Today will be a busy day, My Lord.. " I explained to the boy, allowing him to tuck in into his breakfast and have his usual cup of tea.


" Do you need me to assist you? " I quietly offered my help. The work today increased quite a bit.. I didn't want him to be stressed out too much either.

" Perhaps a bit. " The boy looked at the documents in his hands and on the table with a slightly confused look on his face. It's not like he didn't know what to do.. Perhaps he was just a little unsure which to work on first.

[ Third Person ]

So, the two started to work diligently. After assisting the younger male, the butler headed out to prepare tea and some snacks for he knew the boy would not be able to work properly without a little bit of food.

The butler served the boy his snacks and tea before excusing himself to do his daily duties. The boy was on his own now, it was stressful for a 13 year old to do so much work but he had no choice but to finish them up.

But who knew.. An unexpected guest made her way to the Phantomhive Manor.

Elizabeth Midford.

[ Ciel's POV ]

" Cieeeel! " A high pitched voice filled my ears as I worked. The voice I'd never come to like.. The door barged open and in came my fiancee, Elizabeth.

" Elizabeth, why are you here? " I questioned, not really paying much attention to her presence.

" Oh you're silly, Ciel! Obviously I came to see you! I couldn't wait till next week, so I snuck out secretly. " Childish. Annoying. It just seemed she'd never grow up.. I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes at her.

" I'm very busy today, Elizabeth. I can't play with you. " I rejected, even though I knew she wouldn't leave after. Where is Sebastian? Surely he knows Elizabeth's here..

" Ehhhh? But I came all the way here! Won't you just play with me? Ciel, Don't you think I look pretty today? " Elizabeth twirled in her salmon pink dress, decorated with laces and ribbons. I sighed, I really have alot of work to do and have no time to entertain her..

" Oya.. Look who's here. What has brought you here, My Lady? " I perked up lightly at the voice of Sebastian. He's late..

[ Elizabeth's POV ] [ At The Moment ]

I turned my head towards the door where Ciel's butler stood. Sebastian.. I've never really liked him. I've always questioned how he came about. It was a mystery and even though I pried Ciel about it, he kept his lips sealed tight. He's always with Ciel.. I don't like it!

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