☆ Chapter Eight ☆

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A/N: Update!! To be really honest, I've finished this chapter within 2 weeks. I have absolutely no idea what was keeping me from publishing.

But guys, can you believe how fast time has passed? I'm finally taking my final exams of the year. It's so nerve-wrecking for me! I wish everyone who's taking their exams right now the best of luck! ;D

Back to the topic, let's get on with Chapter 8!

Thank you all for 3.6K and 183 votes!

* I do not own Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler / 黒執事 or any of the characters in it. *

[ Chapter Eight ]

[ Sebastian's POV ]

Hearing screams coming from the Young Master's room, I hurriedly made my way to his room and rushed by his side.

" Young Master! " I called out, trying to wake the screaming boy up. Making such a big ruckus, he wouldn't be having a nightmare of anything else but his past.

I was getting even worried watching the child scream and break out in so much cold sweat. There is nothing I can do if he does not wake up from this nightmare of his.

" Young Master! " Raising my volume, I called out to the child again. This time, he finally heard me. He shot open his eyes and stopped screaming. However, his breathing pace went all haywired, choking on his own spit as he finally fixed his eyes on me.

All he did was to sit up immediately and start grabbing at my clothes while he coughed and started hyperventilating.

" Young Master, breathe. I need you to breathe properly. " I carried the boy firmly in my arms as he listened to me and started to regulate his breathing.

I patted his back gently as I felt his heart beat with a slower pace. It's as though I'm nursing a baby.. A big baby, to be exact.

" Hush.. I'm here. " I swayed lightly as I kissed the boy's head at the side. With one arm I supported his weight and with my free hand I stroked the back of his head.

As the boy finally calmed down, I proceeded to put him down back onto the bed.

" ..N-No! " The child grasped desperately at my clothes just so I can't put him down. I sighed as I held him back properly in my arms. What a troublesome boy..

" ..Don't leave.. Stay with me. " He continued, clinging tightly onto me. This nightmare of his has been taking a toll on him. Each time he dreams of it, it's just so impactful that his reactions are always so violent..

I patted his back gently and kissed his head again. I sat myself down onto the bed and swayed lightly to put the boy more at ease. He's always difficult to handle on such nights..

" Young Master, do you need anything? " I quietly asked, taking out a clean handkerchief from my coat pocket so that I could wipe the sweat off his face.

He refused to speak anymore, he just sat in my lap and trembled, his body twitching as though he was about to snap and go berserk.

" Young Master, I'll get you some hot milk, do allow me to get up. " I made the decision myself as I tried to pry his grasp off of me.

" No, No! Don't go. " Was all he said and I sighed. He's exactly like how he was 3 years back whenever these nightmares came to haunt him.

" Would the Young Master be able to sleep if I stayed by your side? " I questioned. It's really upsetting to see such a delicate boy all crumbled up by his past..

There was silence. But it wasn't long until I felt a light head nod against my body.

" I'm going to move a little bit, don't mind if I do. " I removed my shoes and moved myself to lean against the headboard, holding the boy tightly in my arms.

Dance With The Devil - A SebaCiel Fanfic [ Completed ] | WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now