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Bryan POV-
I just joined this guild called protectors they all seem nice but something does feel off but I'm sure it's just me!

I was walking around the island saying hi to Kay and Jakey. They didn't say hi back but I'm sure they didn't hear me or were busy.
I went to the edge of the island staring at the water taking time to breath and relax.

- Hour Later -

We've been training for about an hour and I was getting tired but I want to impress my guild and let them know that I can be helpful.
After a few minutes everything went black.

- Two hours Later -

I woke up on the training ground? Oh, right I guess I went over board. Wait where are they? I'm sure it's fine they must have gone to get help! Yeah that's it!
I stood up and went to the guild hall to hear them laughing.

"I still can't get over the fact that he passed out like an idiot!" Kay shouted dying of laughter.

That hurt. She's gotta be joking...

"I know can't believe we had him join!" Jakey said laughing too.

Jakey too... no no no their just joking they must have heard me walking up! Yeah!

"He's such a disappointment I mean he's weak, annoying, plus SO gullible he's an idiot he thinks we care about him!" Lo'Pho yelled grinning ear to ear.

I See...

- Next Day -

I was on a quest to clear my head trying to keep my head up and ignore what they said. At least this helped a bit!

- Back in Alantide -
I was so lost in thought I didn't realize that someone was in front of me. I bumped into them.
"Oh! I'm so sorry"
"It's alright my boy"
I looked up, and saw Allumos.
He held his hand out, I took it and he helped me up.
"What seems to be on your mind?"
"Oh well, I heard my guild saying I was weak and gullible and that I wasn't needed. It's just been plaguing my mind and I don't wanna believe it but I can't get it out of my head"
Allumos's aura changed he seemed mad... I hope not at me.
"My dear boy, may I know what guild you are apart of?"
He said trying to smiling but you can tell the anger within.
"It's called the protectors"
His smile dropped I see his jaw and hand clench. He walked closer to me. I closed my eyes scared on what's gonna happen. I felt arms around me. I open my eyes to see Allumos hugging me. This feels nice. I smile hugging back this is so nice that I feel my self crying.

- A Week Later -

I was in my room when I heard shouting. I ran downstairs seeing the magic council?
"What's going on?"
"My boy, these three are being arrested"
"What Why!?"
"They have been convicted of dark guild antics" Ritchie said.
"Your not being arrested since Allumos explained you were manipulated to join" Michael explained to me.

I guess it makes sense.

- One Year Later -
I'm now a member of Grimshade!
They are a lot nicer then my past guild. Allumos says he's my dad now? I mean that's fine and I do see him as a dad which is cool.
Now I'm truly happy, and I can be the best I wanted to be!

Word count: 572

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