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Bryan and Colin were training. Cause they wanted to be as strong as their older brothers.

Bryan yelled but nothing happened.
"It didn't work!?" Bryan yelled turning towards Colin with wide eyes.
Colin went to Bryan and pat him on the back.
"W-wait Colin you try yours"
"I- can't do it either!?"
"Did we lose our magic!?" Bryan yelled.
"Maybe? But we used our magic yesterday during a quest!" Collin pointed out.

Bryan was shaking and Colin was biting his nails.
They didn't know what they were gonna do, they couldn't use their magic they would be seen useless by the guild! Well that's what they think.
The two turned and saw Viper yelling for them he seemed concerned.
"V-Viper we're over here!"
Viper turned that way and ran to them.
"What happened!? One moment I could sense you guys, the next I couldn't!"
"Viper... we think we lost our magic..."
"What... how is that even possible!?"
"No idea but it did" Bryan said looking down.
"And now that we don't have magic we can't be apart of the guild..." Colin mumbled.
Viper tensed up. He growled.
Viper walked closer, he grabbed Bryan and Colin by the arm and pulled them into a hug.
He leaned down to both their ears and whispered.
"Never ever think that, your still my brothers even if you don't have magic"
Colin and Bryan's eyes had tears in their eyes. They hugged viper back crying on his shoulders.
Eventually Allumos came outside and saw the scene.
Allumos sighed before walking to the trio.
"What's wrong?" Allumos asked.
"There magic disappeared" viper said.
Allumos took a step back in shock.
"Oh dear"
"And there worried they'll get kicked out of the guild"
Allumos gasped.
Allumos walked closer.
He joined the hug.
"Never, trust me it must be a flook! You'll get your magic back I'm sure of it even if you don't, though I'm sure you will I would never kick you out of Grimshade!"
They hugged for a while before finally calming down slowly.
They hanged out in vipers room drinking tea and just enjoying quality time together.
Here we go! Some nice quality brother time!

Word count: 377

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