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Bryan and Colin were hanging around Alantide. They were having a brother hang out or well younger siblings hang out. Because their older siblings were busy with quests.
Bryan and Colin walked out of the Antique shop because they were looking for some decorations for their rooms in the dragon cave.
When they walked out they were jumped by four dark wizards. The wizards got the drop on them and they weren't able to defend themselves. So they were knocked out and were teleported to their base in a dark cell.
- With Mario -
Mario was walking into the guild he just got done with a quest and was about to grab a drink when he felt a sudden alert go off in his head. When he realized what it was he dropped the glass cup, which scared the living life out of his guild members. "Mario, can you clean that up please" Brandon said. Mario only growled. "Did he just g-growl?" Inmo asked. Mario started walking towards the door when he was stopped by Ritchie and Brandon. "What the Hell do you think your doing?" Ritchie questioned. But what they didn't know was you never stop an overprotective dragon brother when they know their younger siblings are in danger. Mario growled and used his magic to lift up two pieces of the ground and through it at the twins which knocked them back. Let's just say Mario isn't the only one that is mad. Mario quickly ran off to try and find his baby brothers.

- With Mitch -
Mitch was drinking some poison when he was struck with an alert. He quickly put down his poison without finishing it. You could hear him growling so loud that it awoke Micheal and now he was up and in the main guild hall with the rest of grimshade wondering why Mitch was growling. "Why is he growling?" Michael asked. "I'm not sure but he didn't finish his poison bottle, which is odd" Seek said. Micheal walked up to Mitch and touched his shoulder but when he did let's just say he got thrown across the room. "Ow! Pat can you get allumos!" Micheal yelled while in pain. When allumos took control he looked at Michael then Mitch. "All i have to say this is your fault you got thrown" allumos said. "How is this my fault!?" Michael yelled. None of them realized that Mitch had left. "You just got in between an overprotective Brother who just got news that one or more of his brothers were in danger" allumos said smiling.

- With Mitch and Mario -
They were standing next to each other walking but everything behind them were torn apart, burning away from the acid or looked like they were nothing but splinters or a few leaves.
- Time Skip -

Once they made it to the base where their Brothers were captured they didn't sneak in or quietly go in. Nope, they blasted through the door and immediately took down anyone in their path.
Mario was the first one to change into his dragon force, taking down double times the amount of dark wizards now. Mitch changed to his next and since he was a bit stronger then Mario he was taking down triple the amount before. When they got through the dark wizards they ran to where they sensed their brothers as soon as they went in their they saw them with cuts and bruises which made their blood boil more. Mario grabbed Bryan, while Mitch grabbed Colin. They flew with their brothers in arm. They took them to their dragon cave. Patched their wounds and made sure they were okay. Once they were done Mario and Mitch made a pact with each other to never let them out of their sites again. Bryan and Colin love their brothers but they do want their own privacy but with their overprotective brothers that will not be happening anytime soon.

Amount of Words: 660

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