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Light confetti of snow was falling as Deep carefully drove to our first date location. Tired from the event an hour ago, I added nothing to the conversation while Deep talked about his plans for the week off. I didn't even have enough energy to add the occasional uh-huh. Still, I did have enough to analyze Adam and I's meeting. Every look. Every word. Every breath. And my heart broke over and over again as I relived all our moments together.

"Everything okay?" He asked, snapping me out of my pity party

"Yes, all good." I thoughtlessly said.

"Are you excited for tonight?" He asked, and this careful driver dangerously looked away from the room and hopefully at me. How could I tell a lie to him? How could I break his heart? I wanted to tell him the truth tonight, but I changed my mind at this moment. So instead, I thought maybe during dinner. We will be in public, which might keep his reactions to a minimum.

"Very! Sorry for being so quiet. I am just a bit tired. It's been a long day." I said. "I just need some food in me."

We parked in a dark parking lot, and Deep opened my door and helped me out.

"You look very pretty." He said along with the classic nervous chuckle.


I tried to get my hand back from his grip, but he didn't want to let go, so I let him hold onto it. I let him hold it as we walked up a long grassy patch. I let him hold it till we reached the front of the door. And he held onto it till the female maitre d led us to our booth.

Once we sat down, I was able to see that the restaurant had a very rustic vibe to it. The booth we sat on looked like a barrel cut open, and all the walls around us were covered in dark oak wood. However, big golden lights lit up every corner, making it feel like we had disappeared into a world away from our usual.

"Nice place!" I commented.

"I am glad you like it!"

We both perused through the menu and decided to share a flatbread pizza to start with and kept ourselves busy with chatter. This time Deep picked his conversation and pointed it at his family and the temple so I could participate. It felt like he was following a formula, but I didn't mind. He was doing the hard work to keep my comfort. This was, after all, our first date, so it was bound to be slightly awkward.

When the food arrived, I was relieved to have an excuse to not talk so much. Unfortunately, deep did not share this with me. I watched the food get cold while he talked and asked me several questions. I even tried to shift his attention towards the food by saying how it was getting cold but was unsuccessful as he said he liked cold pizza and moved on to a new topic. I tried to serve him the food, "please eat something!" I pointedly said.

"You eat!" He said, taking a slice and then sliding the pizza towards me. I took the cold pizza into the small plates the waiter had left for us and took a bite.

As I ate, I noticed he was not eating much. "You don't like pizza?" I asked.

"No, no, it's good! I am just...I am not too hungry." He quietly said.

"Everything okay?"

"Um..." he took a moment and swallowed. Then he broke into a long monologue. "Diya..." he cleared his throat. "Diya, I know you said you wanted to take this slow, and we are just trying to get to know each other, and this doesn't have to mean anything. Please don't think I am trying to force you into a marriage or anything. I just wanted to give you something to show you that I am all the way in this...relationship, and I am hoping you accept this token as a promise to me that you are also hoping for the same thing. I got a lot of opinions on what type of ring to get you...."

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