Chapter 9 - Alexis Reed

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When I woke up in the morning. A pillow is propped on my head and the blanket tucked around me. I hear a printer at work and some rustling of paper. I reached for my purse on the small table. I looked at the time on my phone, 5:47 am. And there are missed calls from Alena. I was sure I sent her a message last night before I drove to Queens. I gave her a call.

"Thank God you called. You didn't message me to say you arrived safely!" Ah, so that's what she's worried about.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm fine." I grumbled; she must know I just woke up.

"Did you just wake up? Where did you sleep?" I rolled my eyes at her question.

"Queens is a hotel, where do you think?"

"Huh, you can't tell me you didn't sleep with Alex. I'm not that dumb."

I snorted at her statement.

"Got to go. I'm losing brain cells talking to you." I was about to hung up when she screamed on the other end.

"Wait... wait! Dad and mom wanted to ask, if Alex... not you, needed more help? We can go to Queens." Her statement made me more aware of my surroundings and situation. I glanced behind me to see Alex working on some papers.

"Alex..." I called softly. He looked at me questioningly.

"My family wanted to know if you needed more help? They're willing to come, if you need them to."

"Ohhh... an army. That's cute. You have sisters, right?" I didn't notice the woman from last night is sitting just across me.

"Uh... yeah."

"What do you think?" Alex turned to the other woman to ask. She shrugged.

"How's their... what do you call it? Tone of voice? No. Can they speak confidently? Like, can they bullshit their way in a made-up story?" Uh... what? I exchanged glances with Alex.

"What she meant... like in presenting a proposal, do they have the confidence to make the audience believe what their saying? And if someone doubts and start asking questions, they have the capacity to rebut." Alex explained.

"Same thing, really." The woman argued.

"Yeah, Alena and Alice are good. Mom, too. Dad as well. We all speak eloquently?"

"Ohhh... that's the word. I like her." She winked at Alex, who looked annoyed.

"Should I tell them to come, then?" I faced the woman. I figured she calls the shots.

"Yes, of course. I would appreciate it." I smiled at her as a reply, then I continued my conversation with Alena.

"Who's that?" Alena beat me to it.

"Uh, yeah, you guys can come. You know Queens' main hotel, right? We're at the Board suite. Text me when you guys get to the lobby, I'll come get you."

"Okay, okay. See you at eight."

"Okay." I ended the call.

When I sat properly on the sofa, the woman who was sipping coffee smiled at me and extended a hand.

"Aya." I shook hands with her.

"Alex." She beamed upon hearing my name. Maybe Alex already mentioned me to her?
There was a knock on the door and Aya jumped to get it.

"Breakfast!" She exclaimed. I noticed she's wearing different clothes from yesterday. She looked like she already showered as well. I looked down at myself and realized I look like a mess. I messaged Alena to bring me clothes.

I turned to watch Alex and what he's busy with. There's a whiteboard on the side of the table that was set up in front of him. There were scribbles of words that I don't quite understand. There were lines on the board indicating various sections. Alex is still going through some papers while others are still getting printed.

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