Chapter 15 - Alexis Reed

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They exchanged information, which still barely amounts to nothing at this point. All we know is that their sister must be involved in tonight's news.

It must have been more than ten minutes, but the news channels came back on air. They explained the interruption as a hacker's attack. They added new information on the news, but it was mostly where the men from the earlier footage were taken to. Two hospitals were heavily guarded by men in uniform. Many reporters tried to interview those men but they all declined to speak, with some scolding the reporters to step away and let them do their job peacefully.

I noticed Alex's nervousness now. He kept tapping his foot, and his right hand won't stop wringing. I held onto one. More minutes passed. His phone rang again and it showed an unregistered number this time. His finger slipped, tapping the speaker button after accepting the call.

"Hey, little bro." I saw him relax after hearing the person.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" His concern is evident.

"Yep. I'm fine. Figured you'll see the cars and get worried. We're almost done now. I'll see you in a few days."

"Thank God you're okay. Are you safe?" I glanced around and saw everyone listening to the conversation. Alex is staring intently on his phone.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Damn it." We hear someone say sorry in the background. I could hear Lee hissing.

"Are you alright? What was that?"

"Nothing. Someone tapped me on my bruised shoulder. I'll call Axel and Allen. I'll see you soon, alright?" I could imagine a woman wincing in pain.

"Alright. Love you."

"Do me a favor, delete this number and don't call. Love you, too." The call ended there. Alex let out a sigh of relief. He leaned back on the seat and smiled widely. I went to give him a hug. He embraced me tightly as he shed tears silently. He must be feeling so much relief now. I reminded him of Lee's last statement and he went to delete the number, after staring a bit long. When he has done it, he turned to me with a worried expression.

"I wasn't dreaming, am I?" I assured him he isn't.

After more than a week later, he received a message saying "Meet me at the Board suite. Bring everyone."

He contacted his brothers, as well as Charles and Aya. When we met with everyone, those who personally know Lee are more excited but apprehensive as well. I mean, they haven't seen her in more than six years. It was just my family, Alex, Axel and Rhea, Allen and Clara, Charles and Aya. I guess my family gets along well and were very close to Alex that they're invited here as well. There was a man I was not familiar with, though. Alex introduced him as Christan Taylor, Lee's brother-in-law.

When the door opened to reveal a tall, beautiful woman with a gentle smile and a tough posture, everyone turned to look. It was Aya who rushed to her first, giving her a huge hug. Soon, her brothers lined up after her. She gave them all a wide smile. She started tearing up when the men started crying. Yeah, she's tougher than her brothers. She didn't answer any of the questions that was thrown at her. She kept saying later. She hugged everyone in the room. She seemed to know everyone, even my family. When I directly asked her, she only winked at me.

"Sit down, sit down. Look at you all. It wasn't the first time I've come and go, right?"

"Are you going to go missing again?" Aya exclaimed from the other side of the room. Lee was sitting on the side of a sofa, with a foot up on the nearby sofa.

Lee didn't answer immediately, seemingly contemplating on an answer. She opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

"No way. You're staying." Alex stated firmly. Lee rolled her eyes at him.

"Hey, I have a husband and two kids back at home. We already decided to stay on the countryside."

"Wait, you have two kids? Wait, did Oliver find you?" Charles raised.

"Yeah, he found me. We had a daughter late last year." Lee calmly explained.

"When did he find you? He didn't say anything to us." Allen asked this time.

"I still haven't recovered my memories when he found me and Dylan. He figured it wasn't the time to inform you. I agreed with him after I recovered my memories. Then, I had to go and help Mike again. We agreed to let you guys know after that operation."

"Since when have you come back?" Axel asked.

"I came back around March." Her answer is surprising. It has been eight months already.

"You seem to recognize me and my family." I finally voiced out my question.

She winked again. "I am updated with each one of you. I work in intelligence."

"You're spying on us?" Aya asked again.

"More like a background-check-kind-of-surveillance, when you apply for a job." She seemed at ease as she fielded everyone's questions.

"How were you involved in that incident?" Axel hit the nail on the head, the most intriguing question of all.

"I worked for the FBI. That was my last op. I'm officially retired." Her announcement in a sing-song voice is cute. I can see why she's friends with Aya, though I realized Aya was more vulgar but in a nice way.

"I'm glad you didn't hit your head." Aya exclaimed which made Lee laugh.

"You and Oliver, both."

"How long will you be staying before you return to the countryside?" Rhea asked, again on the details.

"I'm staying for a couple more weeks." She replied, which was a surprise to me. I thought she would want to return to her own family soon.

"Isn't that too long? Though, I like it, to be honest." Alex stated.

"Have I mentioned that Cara and Mike got involved? Cara's staying with us at the countryside and I'm supposed to bring Mike with me. Right now, he's still in the hospital with a cast on his leg. I was told it could be removed in two weeks." I guess only six of them know who Cara and Mike were: Alex, Allen, Axel, Charles, Aya, and Christan.

"Did you manage to kill the bastards I wanted dead?" The man named Christan asked. Lee saluted him.

"How do I say it? Majority of the minions are dead. The big bosses are awaiting trial. I already put people on surveillance to make sure he can't escape and no one is planning to break him out of prison. As of yet."

"And the one who pulled the trigger?" He looked tense and uptight.

"I might have killed him in a previous operation. Months ago." Lee stared into his eyes directly. He visibly relaxed after that. He audibly exhaled.

"What's that about?" It was Aya who's most curious.

"Tanya... his wife, died in a similar op years ago. She was in FBI. We were friends."

"I see..." Everyone threw him sympathetic looks. I understand why he would be here.

Lee went to stand in front of him.

"Come on." She offered him a hug. He sighed before complying. He stood much taller than her and she patted him on his back. He didn't cry, though. He kissed Lee on the cheek before letting go.

"Huh, did I mention that that unique lock of hers was actually a clue?" She winked at him. "I'll run you with the details later."

Christan managed to return a smile.

"Hey, do you have a picture of your kids?" Aya asked again. Lee smiled at her and took out her phone. She found a video clip and played it before handing the phone to Aya. Those who are seated near her watched as well. They gushed over the cute little boy and the baby girl. I saw a glimpse of her husband as well. He looked a little like Christan. Oh wait, they're brothers. The phone was passed around and Lee got a short break.

"Although I know your profiles, I don't know your stories. Come on, tell me how you guys managed to meet wonderful ladies." Lee teased her brothers. She winked at Clara, though, who blushed furiously. Allen laughed. Apparently, Clara was introduced to Allen when Lee's husband was working on a project with her. She's an employee under Taylor Industries, even now. They're all wonderful people. I noted as I take turns to observe everyone.

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