Surprise party for me?

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I woke up without Eren next to me, I roll over to see a note on his dresser "your cloths are on my dresser sasha will be there around 12 to pick you up". Jesh a little harsh huh. Time go by and Sasha arrives. She seems a little tense when I get in the car "hey Sasha you ok?" I ask a little concerned. She pulls out of Erens drive way. She's silent, she's definitely upset about something. "You left me" she blurts out. I look at her confusingly "Sasha I didn't leave you I was taken" she sighs out a bit before we enter the drive through, "your usual" she asked, I order the same thing she definitely knows what I want. I chuckled a little nodding my head yes. We ended up driving to a near by park. She has barley spoke to me, did Eren say something to her I question myself. "You're a good friend y/n, but why didn't you come back" she seemed a little upset. I explain what happened last night, her face lit up "you slept with Eren" she said loudly causing some near by people to look in our direction. I tilt my head down in a bit of shame, he hasn't call or messaged me he just up and when ghost. Maybe I did something wrong, I began to worry but not to much. "It's not like we're dating" I said with no hesitation. She glanced over at me knowing how I felt about him all these years. She sighed "has he even messaged you y/n" I looked down at my feet in slight disappointment. "No" I mutter out. She chuckled a bit "well it's getting kinda late, we should get back to our dorm. I almost forgot I was in college, I've been not stop partying recently. I had a bad falling out with a guy, I'm trying to be happy again and well partying seems to be helping. I signed knowing I had early classes tomorrow "yeah let's get going".

We drive back to the campus, some of our friends are outside reading their text books. Me and Sasha head over to the tables they are sitting at. I noticed Armin was there, I sat next to him peeking at the book he's reading "Harry potter" I spoke out. He looked at me blushing a little "yeah I'm sorta into the series, you should try them if your a book person." I'm definitely NOT a book person, I genuinely smile taking in what he said. "Where did you and Eren go off to last night" Jean asked seemingly upset that I had disappeared. "Oh uh just rode around for a while and talked about stuff" I lied straight through my teeth hoping no one caught on. Everyone looked at me like I was dumb "Ain't that the truth" Mikasa spoke out harshly as ever, I wasn't really that close with her she always seemed to have some type of grudge against me. "Ah well I should be getting to my dorm, I've got early classes tomorrow" I just wanna get away from all of these questions that I don't have the answer to right now. Without hearing anyone out I quickly left, As I'm heading to my dorm I notice Zeek talking to a short blond girl. I walked over solely wanting to ask about Eren "hey Zeek whats up" Zeek motioned the girl to leave, he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms. "Hey girly what you up to today" he asked not making eye contact, god did Eren tell them about last night. "Oh I was just heading to my dorm, I just happened to see you and wanted to say hey" I lied through my teeth again. He chuckled a bit "Have you seen Eren" he asked still not making eye contact. I tense up wondering the same. "I know about last night so no need to be shy or lie, just wondering where my brother is" I sighed wondering the same thing "I'm not sure, I woke up to a note saying he had left and I haven't heard anything at all". Zeek put his hand on my shoulder "Be carful out there" he said walking away. Did I do something?

I'm laying in my bed scrolling through Tik tok as usual trying to desperately to pass the time hoping to get a message from Eren. It's midnight and I still haven't heard from him. I end up going to sleep, trying to get as much as possible for class. I wake up to still Zero messages from anyone at all. I'm so curious as to why everyone is being so cold and distant to me. Ask I'm walking to class I see Jean and Connie talking with a teacher, something feels off I just know it. I make it through class with no messages still not even from sasha. "Ok now what the hell is going on" I say out loud. I don't question it anymore, I get in my car and drive away from campus. It's my 19th birthday and my own friends don't remember. I'm sitting at beach Close by to my college till I hear my phone bing "Unknown Number" what the hell I asked myself, with slight hesitation I opened the message seeing a location on campus "be here at 8:30 no questions wear something hot but not to slutty" ok now I'm kinda nervous, was it Eren? No it can't be the area code isn't from here meaning it's possible a burner phone.

I'm getting ready for this thing I was supposed to be at 15 minutes ago. I've decided on a tight pair of ripped jeans with a pink crop top. I put on some makeup and my hair in space buns leaving my bangs falling in my face. I grabbed my phone and began walking to.. "Connie's dorm?" I spoke out. It'a all dark when i walked in till "SURPRISE" the lights turned on and all of my friends jumped out with party streamers and small confetti canons going off. Sasha ran over to me hugging me "Sorry I've been acting funny i was trying so hard not to tell you about the party" im still in shock, my friends actually remember? I see a huge banner with "19 and still
slutty" handing on a wall, decorations all in my favorite shades of pink and purple. Even the cups matched the theme. I began to tear up "Aw don't cry" Jean said walking over with a cup handed out to me. We partied hard for a while till some left all that was left was me, Zeek, Connie, Jean, Sasha, mikasa, Armin, Reiner, Yamir and historia, no Eren to be spotted. I sighed sadly, I so badly wanted him here. He hasn't even messaged me, I worried a slight bit till.. oh fuck me I don't have his number, god I'm so stupid. "Hey Zeek still nothing from Eren" I asked, Zeek smiled handing me a note with a location and a phone number written on it. I smiled ear to ear quickly pulling my phone out to message him.

:Hey it's y/n. I instantly got a reply
:Hey, I'm sorry about this morning. I'm assuming zeek gave you the letter
I smiled :Yea I got it I'll be on my way.
I put my phone away thanking everyone for the party and headed to Eren. Once I arrived I noticed the place looked a little familiar. I spotted Eren standing near a light poll looking around assuming for me. I walk over smiling "hey" I said nervously. He looked over at me. He seems a little off "Last night was a mistake" he said without hesitation. I felt my heart skip a beat "what" I said slightly upset. He looked at me "you heard me y/n. It was a mistake don't talk to me anymore" he walked off leaving me there holding my tears back. Why, why did he make me come all this way just to say that to me. I began to cry and hurried back to my car. God I just wanna go home my whole night was ruined. Ruined by a horrible person who I thought I loved.

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