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Me and Sasha finished getting ready for the party, she went to the bathroom and I remembered the bag and note Eren left me, quickly I ready the note first "text me some time, I'd like to hear from you" my heart felt at ease knowing Zeek was right. I opened the bag Eren had giving me seeing a green and purple crop top in there with another note "wear this tonight please" did he know about the party too? I shrugged it off putting the shirt on.  Sasha walked out the bathroom looking me up and down "you look super cute" she s said smiling. I smiled picking my phone up to message Eren
:Hey. Are you wearing it?
I smiled : Yea it's super cute thank you..
:Though you'd like it so I got it for you.
:It's pretty thank you, how did you know my size?
:You're small, so I thought a medium would fit. I mean I would have got small but your tits are big.
I laugh out loud
:lol cute. It fits perfectly thank you..
:Yeah your welcome, I better see you tonight.
:you'll have to find me ;)
:then I'll be looking
I smile putting my phone away grabbing a few things before leaving with Sasha.

We make our we through an unfamiliar neighborhood, Once we spot the house Sasha parked on the side near a few trees. "Are you excited" Sasha asked. I tilt my head down with a smile knowing I only came for Eren. "Yeah let's go" I said grabbing my phone. As we're heading into the party I spot the guy from the mall there, I nudge Sasha motioning her to look. We see him looking at us in an upsetting way. We enter the party, there's not a whole lot of people but there's a good bit. "Wow this place is huge" I say in Aw. She laughed and grabbed my hand leading me to the kitchen. We take a few shots getting us a little tipsy for the night, I grabbed a cup of rum and we head to the living room where people were dancing to the music. We danced a few songs till I feel myself being pulled away from Sasha, I assume it was Eren but I had horribly mistaken. It was that guy from the mall. I snatched my arm away from him "what the hell" I said with a bad feeling in my stomach. He smiled and grabbed me again leading me to a room locking the door behind him. "I don't like this I wanna go back to my friend. He smirked and walked into the bathroom. I tried to run for the door but noticed it was a reverse doorknob, the inside was locked by a key. I quickly pick up my phone realizing Sasha left hers in the car, I open Eren's chat and began messaging him
:Eren help me that guy from the mall locked me in a room with him.
:Eren answer please
:Eren come on please.
I feel my phone being snatched from me as it's thrown into a drawer. I hope Eren sees my messages oh god please. The guy starts kissing me, I try my hardest to push him away but he keeps holding me down. I feel him rubbing himself on me, my eyes start tearing up knowing what's about to happen. "Cmon don't resist me, you know you want it" I feel him slide my bottoms off and start kissing my thighs. I let the tears fall from my eyes knowing there's no help anymore. He comes up pulling his pants down, he lined himself up but before he can make it in the door busted down.

"Get the hell off of her!" I heard Eren practically scream. He tackled the guy and started beating the hell out of him. I quickly pull my bottoms back on and notice some of my friends alone with Zeek and Sasha running in the room, Zeek pulled Eren off and began to take a turn with him. Eren ran over to me grabbing me taking me away from the party, once we get outside I dropped to the ground and began to cry hysterically. We quickly wrapped his arms around me "I'm here shh, it's ok I got you I will never let that happen to you." I feel his grip tighten around me. All my friends and Zeek walk out outside, everyone ran over to me hugging me "Get her the hell out of here" Zeek said obviously pissed off. Eren picked me up taking me to his car before Speeding off, I pulled my knees to my chest looking out the window weeping. "Y/n don't worry you're safe" Eren said with concern. "You always leave me alone, Always. You give me mixed signals. What do you want from me" I said bawling my eyes out barley able to speak. "Y/n" he said slightly upset. "No! Eren no! What do you want with me. What Do you want to fuck me too?" I didn't mean to say that. He slammed in breaks before taking a moment to speak. "I'm taking you somewhere ok" he said obviously upset at what I said. I look over at him, I have makeup running down my face. He looked over at me and I quickly turn away. "There's napkins in the glove box." He told me, I opened it up whipping away the ruined makeup on my face. We have been driving for a bit till we end up at the beach, Eren put the car in park before sighing and looking at me. "This is my favorite spot to go when I'm feeling overwhelmed or upset about something" before I could speak he gets out the car and walked over to my door opening it for me and taking my hand. He's holding my hand tightly leading me to a clear spot near the waves, he sits down looking at the sunset over the horizon "beautiful" I said staring in aw, I hear him chuckle "Yeah it's relaxing. This is my favorite spot, my mom used to take me here" he stopped speaking quickly. "I've never seen anything like this" I said still staring out, I notice him looking at me and smiling.

"Eren" I speak out. "Hm", i look down at him "why did you bring me here" I ask and he sighed "that shouldn't have happened, I should have waited for you at the door. I should have been there" he said with guilt in his voice. "It's not like we're dating" i said seemingly sad. I hear him sigh again, "I want to protect you. You mean the world to me y/n" my eyes open wide as I sit next to him, I lay my head on his shoulders as we wrapped his arm around me. I broke the silence "why" I said curiously. "I can't answer that right now" he said not making eye contact. "I just feel the need to protect you" I let out a small chuckle. "Thank you" I said so calmly. He didn't say anything, but his presence tells me thank you. "I will do anything to protect you from people. Anything and everything I can" he said looking down at me. I smile closing my eyes knowing I had my person here to save me if I ever need them.

Does He Really Love Me? Eren x Female reader Where stories live. Discover now