A beautiful ending.

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After being discharged from the hospital Eren,Zeek, and Sasha help pack my things from my dorm so I can move in with Eren and Zeek. They want to keep me in their sigh at all times. I said my goodbyes to my friend who lived at the dorms and get in the car to head to my new home. Eren sits in the back seat with me practically screaming about everything we can do together. "We can go on dates, and cool together, oh and watch tv and movies and cuddle and" He was interrupted by Zeek "Eren she gets it, give the girl a break" Zeek said a little irritated. "I'm sorry Im just so excited" Eren said jumping a little. I smiled and giggled. Once we arrived we got my things set up in Erens room, he cleaned his closet out making room for my cloths. After we got all my things situated I laid down on Erens bed, I'm so exhausted from everything I just want to sleep. Eren lays beside me stroking my hair holding me in his arms. I feel so relaxed being here with him.

About a year has passed and I'm still staying with Eren and Zeek. I woke up without Eren next to me for the first time in forever. I don't think much of it, but I have been thinking about something else. My period is late, I'm panicking a little not thinking much of it. But just to clear my mind I'll take a test, it'll be fun I laugh to myself. I drive to the drug store and pick up a pregnancy test and head home. Eren still isn't home neither is Zeek so now is a perfect time to take it. Once I finish I set it on the sink flipped over practically having an anxiety attack. After a few moments I flip it over... "Fuck me" I say out loud. "Positive" the test read. A million thoughts race through my head, I quickly run to the room and call sasha "hel" I interrupt her "I'm pregnant" I say in a panic. The line goes silent "I'm on my way" she said hanging up. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed shaking my leg once I hear the front door open, I freak out even more because I left the test in the sink. A few moments go by and the door opens with Zeek holding the test. "Does Eren know?" he asked slightly confused, I shake my head no. Zeek sat next to me pulling me into a hug "you're going to be good parents" he said smile with his voice cracking a bit. "I'm scared Zeek" I said about to cry, he rubs my back "it's gonna be ok, Eren has a surprise for you tonight he wants you to meet him at the beach" I pull away smiling "sasha is on her way so I'll get her to drop me off" I said smiling. He laughed a bit and left the room. I slide the test in my pocket to show Eren tonight.

I heard a knock on the door assuming it was sasha, I hurried out jumping into the car with her showing her the test. She squeals in excitement "I'm gonna be an aunt" she said crying a bit. I cry as well, happily knowing I have a family of my own. "Oh do you mind dropping me off at the beach. Zeek said Eren wanted me to meet him there" she smiled and we pulled away heading to Eren. Once we arrive I see him standing there in a suit, "what the hell" sasha said laughing a bit. I jokingly punch her arm and get out the car "wish me luck" I said with a smile, she returned with a bigger smile and drove off. I walk over to Eren and see him smiling with tears in his eyes. "Eren, is everything ok love" he grabbed my hands looking me in the eyes romantically "y/n, I've loved you for as long as I can remember, you're the most beautiful, sweet, loving, and caring girl I've ever met" he said back obviously holding in tears. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a red velvet box "Eren.." I says almost about to cry. "Y/n, will you marry me" he said with a shaky voice. I began to cry "yes! A million times yes Eren" I said kneeling down hugging him. He kisses me and opens the box revealing a beautiful diamond ring, I freeze at how beautiful the ring is. He takes it out the box and places it on my finger.

I smile so hard with tears falling down my face. He stands up hugging me tightly, "Eren I need to show you something" I said nervously not wanting to ruin the mood" he smiles and I pull the test out of my pocket to show him. He grabs it and freezes staring at me, I notice his lips quiver as tears fall down his cheeks. "Are you serious" he said while crying. I smile shaking my head yes. He picks me up spinning me around. "I love you so much y/n" I cry in his arms happily at the thought I found my person, he's been right here in front of my face for all these years. Eren grabs my hand and walks me back to the car. We drive home, I excitedly run to Zeeks room to show him the ring. He smiled and began to cry "moms ring" he said wiping his tears away. "I'm so happy for you too" he said happily.

Time has passed and it's time for the baby girl to be born. Eren decided on a name for her "Carla" after his mother. "Carla Yua Yeager" he signs on the bitch certificate as he's smiling. He hurry's over to over her he smiles with tears falling down his face "She's so beautiful" he said rocking her in his arms. "Yua meaning binding love and affection, she's perfect"
Zeeks says. After a few days we take her home planing our wedding in a few months. We invited all of our friends and some family, Mostly my family Zeek and Eren don't have much. Time finally roles around for me to go dress shopping, I take Sasha, Yamir, Historia, and Mikasa with me, after what feels like hours I finally found my dress. "You're so beautiful" Sasha says walking next to me with tears in her eyes, hugging me tightly "it's perfect" she says "you look amazing in the dress" Yamir complemented. "Eren will love it" Mikasa added on. I pay for the dress and bring it home "ooh let me see Eren said excitedly, I smile and push him away "not till the wedding, it's bad luck" I said winking at him. We lay in bed for a while playing with Carla eventually putting her down for bed.

More time has passed and it's finally my day to say I do to the man I love. All my girlfriends are helping me get ready, doing hair and makeup while getting in my dress. My mother and sister back up looking at me. "My god you're so beautiful" mom said crying, I smile almost crying myself. My dad walks in the room "is everyone ready" he asked looking at me
"Y/n. You're so pretty" he said with his eyes filling up with tears. "Ok everyone time to get this show on the road" Sasha says happily. My dad grabs my arms and begins walking me down the isle, I chose Sasha to stand next to me. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. "Everyone be seated, the groom and bride has prepared their own vowels for tonight" the priest said "you can go first" he said looking at Eren, He reached into his tux grabbing a pice of paper and begins to read "y/n, since I met you in middle school I've always thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, When I saw you at the party that night I knew deep down I had to take a chance and look where I'm standing, next to the girl I've wanted for years and have a beautiful baby girl with, My love runs deeply for you and always will, I love you," Eren said while tears fall down his face. "You may go now sweetie" the priest said to me, I look Eren deeply in the eyes "Eren, you have supported and saved me since day one, you're truly the love of my i dont know what I would do without you by my side. You have protected me from danger and kept me by your side though bad times and I couldn't say thank you enough, I promise to cherish every single moment with you and be a good mother and wife to you and Carla, I love you Eren Yeager" I finish with a shaky voice. "Do you Eren Yeager take y/n to be your wife" Eren smiled "I do" he says while crying "and y/n do you take Eren Yeager to be your husband" "I do" I said with a shaky voice. The priest smiled "I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" Eren grabbed me spinning me around before kissing me. "I love you y/n Yeager" I laughed and smiled "I love you too Eren Yeager"

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