Same old things

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It's been a few weeks since Eren slept over and once again he went ghost on me. The end of the semester was coming up meaning we all get to go home, also meaning more party's. I'm in class as I chuck to myself at the thought of Riners party, I don't remember much of it. Armin has been avoiding me since then and I'm not sure why. Anyways I had plans to go stay with Sasha, beings I'm not welcome home anymore. Of all things I get kicked out because my little sister slept with my ex, I got blamed for it so they kicked me out. I haven't told anyone so when it's time to go home I just bounce between friends houses and mostly my dorm. Well aside all the bad news I actually had something good going for me. I finally got a job. Im a waitress at a really popular steak house in our town. I have a bit of money saved up and was planning on taking sasha shopping today. That is if she'll hurry up, I was interpreted by a knock on my door. I open up to see sasha with a big smile on her face. "You ready" she said happily, I smiled walking out my dorm. As we head to the car I see Eren and Zeek walking near the same direction, i motion Sasha to hurry before they see us. Out of the corner of my eye I see Eren looking at me with a grudged look, I frown a bit not letting him know I seen him. They're following us, I nudge sasha and whisper "Zeek and Eren are hot on our ass. We hurried to her car, taking off hopefully they don't follow us to the mall I just want to hang out with Sasha today.

We arrive at the mall and make our way to some of our favorite stores. I've picked out a few party outfits nothing to whoreish, but Sasha on the other hand.. Whore all the way. "Please tell me you're not gonna buy that" I said laughing. "What's wrong with this" she said laughing in return. "Sasha the boobs have holes in them you're really gonna show your tits to everyone" i began laughing harder as she looks at me laughing. "Just get it" I barely spoke out. We calmed down and made our way to the food court. "Oh my god you're kidding me" sasha says. I look at her confused till she motions behind me, I spot Zeek and Eren attempting to be incognito. I let out a laugh "we should totally mess with them since they're following us." I say without question sasha gets a huge smile on her face and walks off. After a few minutes she comes back "so I found a cute guy, he's gonna come over and flirt with you" she said with a grin of her face. "Sasha! Eren will tear this guy to bits" I say feeling slightly bad. "What if Eren don't though" she said. After a few moments a tall blond haired boy walks over, he takes a chair and sits next to me wrapping his arm around me. "Hey pretty lady. You should like give me your number" he says rubbing his hand on me. I look at sasha a little in Easley "I mean you are single right?" He adds on. I laughed a little "Yeah I've been single for a while, but do you really deserve MY number" I teasingly said back. Before he can speak Eren is standing behind him with a hand on his shoulder. "Take a hike bud she's not into you" I notice his grip get tighter on the guys shoulder.

The guy stands up, he's almost as tall as Eren. "Yeah, what are you gonna do about it" without question the guy grabbed my hand trying to lead me off "let's ditch these losers babe, I'll show you what a real man can do" ok now I'm starting to feel un ease till Eren grabbed me pulling me away from the stranger "I said take a hike bud" Eren said holding me in his arms. They guy snatched me from Eren and began to speed walk with me. I then noticed Zeek standing up and walking over, before we can Eren punched the guy in the face grabbing me away from him, "Get lost man" he said with anger in his voice. The guy stands up and throws a punch at Eren, Zeek caught his hands "Bad idea bud. Why don't we take this outside" Zeek said obviously mad at this point. Eren is still holding onto me in a protective way, "are you ok" he asked slightly concerned. I nodded yes as sasha stands up coming next to me. We see Zeek and this guy walking off knowing some shit is gonna go down. Eren is holding my tightly as we follow behind. We made it to the back of a parking lot, "What encouraged you to walk up to theses girls" Zeek said with fury. "I noticed a sexy looking girl and wanted to show we how a man can treat her instead of a little boy" the guy said smirking at Eren. At that moment I felt his hand leave mine "I'll kill you" Eren said throwing punches at the guy. Erens winning the fight till Zeek breaks it up, Erens knuckles had blood on them. Zeek picks the guy up "don't let me catch you alone. These girls are like sisters to me, next time It'll be me kicking your ass" the guy hurried off, Zeek turned to us with slight concern on his face "you girls ok" he said worried about us. We both nod yes and all made our way back to the cafeteria. I sat kinda slumped in my chair.

Eren came back with.. my favorite food? How did he know I loved chicken strips, even a side of my favorite sauce was on the tray. He slide the platter to me "it's on me don't worry about paying" he said before walking off. I look at sasha who had a big smile on her face. I looked down at the food Eren had brung me, I can't tell what this guys wants. I look at Zeek who's already looking at me. "Am I doing something wrong" I asked seemingly upset. Zeek looked at me "I love him, he's my brother I won't tell you everything but, I will tell you this. Don't give up on him, he's struggled a bit and from what he says i think he really does like you" Zeek reassured me. I smiled a little, a few moments later Eren showed back up with a bag from.. my favorite store. I turn to Zeek as he smiled and winked at me. Eren placed the bag on the table in front of me. "Don't open it till you're alone and home" he said kinda cold. I nodded, Sasha stood up stretching "We should be heading back, there's a party tonight and we've got to get ready" I looked at sasha with a confusing look "what party" I asked. She looked at me with a smile "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you" I shrugged it off standing up grabbing my bags, I notice Eren slid a pice of paper in my bag. I look at him, we winked at me. I smiled, Me and Sasha began making our way back to her car eventually getting to my dorm to get ready.

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