Eren please help me

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I wake up turning my phone back on to revive the hundreds of messages from everyone, I place my phone down before getting ready for class today still with an un easy feeling in my stomach. I can't shake it off. I walk to class with dread seeping into my bones, once I enter class I see him... the guy from the mall.. He's in my class, and all the seats are taken except one by him. He looked at me and smiled, I sigh walking over to take my seat. "Hey I'm Floch" he said smiling ear to ear. I sarcastically smile and open my text book to begin today's lesson. He keeps trying to talk to me but I ignore him, I notice him slip a letter onto my desk "I'm sorry about before let me make it up to you" I look at him crumpling the paper up before throwing it away. The bell rang and I quickly gathered my things trying desperately to rush out of class "Hey y/n wait for me" I hear him call running up to me. "Cant you take a hint" I said angrily. "Cmon I was way out of line and I'm trying to make it up to you" I ignore him continuing to walk to my next next class for the day. I see him pull his phone out and snap a picture of me, I think nothing of it and get through the rest of my day without seeing him. It's getting dark as I'm walking back to my dorm before someone grabbed me from behind holding a rag over my mouth. I try to scream out, I'm slowly losing drifting out of concense till everything turns black.

Everything is still black but I faintly hear voices in the back ground. "Marcel you did good bringing her here. All we have to worry about is that pesky Eren and Zeek Yeager." I heard floch say. "Don't worry about them I didn't see her phone on her so no one will know" Marcel said chucking a little. I finally come to noticing I'm in the same bed room as that night. I tried to move but was restrained by something holding me down. Once I'm fully aware I start to panic. I began to scream out and cry fearing the worst. "Oh look who finally woke up" floch said with a evil grin on his face holding a knife. There's a loud bang down stairs "I'll be back don't move princess" floch said before closing the door. I panic trying to feel for my phone till I realize it's in my back pocket, that guy didn't check good enough. I barley slip my hand out the rope before messing Eren and Zeek
:Location sent.
Zeek: Do you need us to come get you?
I get no reply, I hear floch walking back up. I hide my phone and slide my hand back into the rope before he makes it into the room. "Hey pretty I'm back" floch said smirking. He walked over to me with the knife before sitting next to me. "We're gonna play a game. Every time you no, I put a little cut on you" he said smirking. "Now can I touch you" he asked I shook my head no. "No? No!" He said. He sliced my arm and blood instantly starting rushing out. I scream in pain, he laughed sinisterly "I'll ask again. Can I touch you" he asked with anger this time. With tears rushing down my face I shake my head no again. He cut my arm again, I flench and scream in my pain as blood rushes down my arms. "Stop please" I beg "then let me do what I want with you" he said practically screaming. I shake my head no and he cuts my arm again. So much blood is rushing out the wounds, I cry out in pain begging for Eren "Please" I speak out. "What was that? Go on call out for him, he'll never hear you" floch says menacingly. I don't say anything I just lay there crying helplessly.

Minutes go by that feels like hours, I'm barley keeping Conscience. There's a lot of blood flowing out of my body's, there's cuts everywhere. Eren and Zeek aren't here i don't even know if they're coming. Im slapped in the face with floch laughing "stay away sleeping beauty I have more fun planed" he said harshly. I weep out feeling like I may just die before there's a knock on the door. Floch walks away angrily before I hear shouting down stairs from what I hear it sounds like "Eren help me please" i scream and weep out. I hear someone running up the stairs and see Eren in the door way. "Y/n!  Zeek call 911" he yells. Zeek runs up stairs on the phone as Eren is crying trying to untie me. Zeek runs to the bathroom grabbing some towels Holding them on my body trying to stop the bleeding. "What the hell happened y/n" Zeek said in a worried but raged tone I just barley speak out "they took me" I blacked out. I come to in the hospital with Eren, Sasha and Zeek sitting next to me. Eren appears to be asleep, I nudged my hand a bit trying to see if I'm fully awake, Eren quickly realized "Y/n!" he said excitedly I see Zeek jump and and yell for a nurse. A few doctors and a police officer walked in the room to get my statement on the whole situation. "I was just leaving class and someone came up behind me and before I knew it I had blacked out and when I came to I realized where I was, this wasn't the first time floch has tried to do this." I speak of rashly. "I'm so sorry I should have been there y/n" Eren said with tears falling down his eyes. "Well we have them in custody so they won't be a bother anymore" the officer reassured me. I smile but it quickly faded, Eren and Sasha hold my hands tightly. I began to sob snatching my hands away covering my face. "Why does bad things always happen to me, I get taken advantage, Eren leaves, My sister hates me, it's always me." I weep out. "Y/n I'm sorry, I'm here now I'm never leaving again" Eren said reassuring. "I'm here too and so is Zeek" sasha said calmly. I calm down a bit and just sit there looking at my body covered in stitches. I feel so disgusting, I hate myself even more now" "You're beautiful" I hear Eren whisper out with a smile on his face. I frown knowing it's only said to make me feel better. He runs his fingers through my hair and rest them on the side of my face. He placed a kiss on my cheek. "Everything is gonna be ok. Me and Zeek will take care of you and protect you, no matter what we are here" Eren said calmly with a tear falling down his face. I glance over at Zeek, he gives me a reassuring smile. I feel calm knowing I have someone looking out for me, I love these guys especially Eren.

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