Anything to be happy again

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It's been weeks since my meet up with..him. I haven't left my bed, I'm devastated I let myself believe someone like that loved me. Sasha has been begging me to go to some party's with her but I don't have the energy to go. I heard a knock on my door, forcing myself to get up I opened the door seeing Sasha, Yamir, and Historia practically barging their way in the door, "You have got to go to this killer party tonight y/n" Historia said excitedly. I don't want to go, i rolled my eyes and flopped back into my bed. They walked over taking a seat on my bed, I left a pair of hands wrap around me with a body cuddled up next to me. Sasha was holding me rubbing my arm "I know you loved him but he's not good for you. I mean look what happened" I just stayed silent knowing it was the truth. "You're honestly the prettiest girl around you can pull any guy you want, don't let it bother you to much" Historia spoke out softly placing a hand on my head. "Just come to the party tonight and get as messed up as you want. Historia won't be drinking so she'll take you home. Come let lose" Yamir offered. After a few minutes of silence I gave in letting them get me all ready. They dressed me in a tight white skirt with a black fishnet shirt topping with a tight red crop top. They matched my makeup with my outfit, We got into Historia's car heading across town to Reiners parents beach house. I took in the sight as beautiful as it sounds it was even more incredible to look at.

We enter the crowded house with lights, Booze and People spilling everywhere possible. Damn did the whole collage come here. I spot Eren across the room, I ran off to the kitchen hoping there's alcohol and to my surprise there's a whole variety. I take a few shots taking a cup filling it to the brim. I'm
Walking around stumbling a bit till I slam into someone "oh jesh I'm sorry"I slurred my words a bit. "Y/n?" "Zeek?" I said shocked, I did a drunk girl laugh walked away, I can't even see my own friend who's brothers with him without feeling shitty. God I need more alcohol. I'm walking blindly around the party till I spot my friends, "hey guys" I spoke out almost spilling my cup "And that's enough for you" Armin said attempting to take my cup "No ah nu uh" I slurred pushing his hand away "Y/n you're wasted you need to chill a bit" Jean said slightly concerned, Sasha leaned over and whispered to Jean I knew what she was telling him "Oh yea sasha go tell everyone hey guys I fucked Eren the night of Jeans party and he told me never speak to him again on my own birthday" I said laughing with an attitude. Everyone looked at me with horror and shock in their eyes. "God you guys just, uhg you all make me feel so bad some times" I said walking off. I found myself outside on a balcony taking in the air trying to stay calm. My thoughts are over flowing. Does Eren really hate me? Why did he want to sleep with me? Did he use me? I pushed my thought away as I'm interrupted by a slightly drunk Armin. "Hey there you are" he said obviously a little beyond tipsy. He stumble over wrapping his arm around me "don't worry about that, that asshole you're so beautiful and, and pretty" he said bashful. I look at him instantly feeling his lips on mine. He pulled away blushing bright red, He grabbed my hand leading me back to the party, taking me upstairs to a room making sure to lock the door behind him. He turns around and starts wobbling to me kissing me again.

I'm so into this but I'm super drunk. Fuck it anything to make me forget and be happy. He starts kissing down my body leaving small trails of saliva. He begins to slid my bottoms down. We haven't spoke a word I guess we're just going with it, I don't mind. He un buckles his pants pulling a condom out and putting it on. He looked at me to make sure I wanna go through with this. Once I nodded he slowly started to enter me, he lets out small grunts and moans before he's all the way in me. Once he's in he slowly pulls out and thrust back into me, I let out a small moan as the pleasure starts to settle in. He's picking up his pace pumping me harder, "Oh you feel so good" he finally broke the silence. I moaned out as he slammed into me, His pace quickens as he moaning and filling his ways up my body with his soft hands. He pulls out and lays next to me on his back. "Wanna be on top" he says panting. Without hesitation I pick myself up and play my heat on him, slowly sliding down. He grabbed my hips moaning softly. Once I've taken him all in I began to bounce up and down slowly at first till his hands make me go a little faster. I notice him arching a little with his eyes on my body the whole time. Im feeling near my end, i place my hands on his chest and began moving harder and bouncing faster. I'm moaning so loud at this point, the music is muffling it out so no one knows about us. I hear him whimper out "I'm gonna" before he can finish his sentence I throw my head back in pleasure, our moans are in sink as we both finish. I fall next to him panting trying to catch my breath, He placed a light kiss on my forehead. Taking his condom off and walking out the room leaving me there, once again I'm alone.

I make my way down stairs and to my sad surprise Eren is at the bottom of the stair case, i see him notice me, I ran back up stairs running to the bathroom locking the door behind me. Oh god this can't be happening to me right me. I heard a knock on the door knowing it's him. I slowly open the door a little peeking half my face out. "Wanna ditch this joint and go ride around?" Eren asked. I shut the door thinking for only one second before taking his hand practically running out of the house. We get in his car and he speeds off, blasting old alternative rock music. I feel so alive, I rolled down the window and let half my body hang out feeling the wind flow my hair around. I come back in the car once he starts slowly down a bit. He parks near an old park we all used to hang out at as kids. We sit in silence taking in the moment before I speak. "Why did you want to take me out?" I asked slurring my words still drunk. He turns down the music, I feel his eyes on me. "You're a whore" he said glaring at me. I quickly look at him, it's taking everything for me not to slap him. Instead I began to cry. I heard him sigh, he grabbed my face and started to make out with me. My eyes are wide taking in his every touch on my body. I taste the weed and alcohol on his breath he pulls away getting out of his car and into the back seat, I followed sitting next to him. "You, Look hot tonight" he said before kissing me again. He picked me up placing me on his lap while harshly grinding on me, I feel him slightly moan through the kiss. "I can fuck you better" he said between kisses. He pulled away, I feel him pull down his pants as he's lifting me up to take my bottoms off. I'm still slightly sore from Armin but fuck it. He slammed me down onto his cock while letting out a low moan, I practically screamed at the feeling. He began to bounce me on him before letting me take control. I'm following the rhythm of the beats to the song playing from the speakers. He grabbed my face making me look at him "god you're so hot when your riding me like this" he says panting out. His moans get closer together as he's making me ride him at the pace he wants. He holds me down as he finishes before placing kisses over my body.

We get back in the front but we don't go back to the party. We're heading back to campus. "Why aren't we going back?" I questioned. Silence filled the car as we made our way to my dorm. He led me to my bed placing a kiss on my cheek before laying next to me. "You're gonna leave again so just go" I said. He didn't say a word, he just rolled over wrapping his arms around me before speaking "I'm staying here tonight, anything to make you happy" he said tiredly. I fell asleep in his arms hoping to wake up in them the next day. And to my surprise I did this time.

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