Meet my parents/ Eren find out..

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After Eren dropped me off at my dorm I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I was planning on hanging out with Sasha tomorrow, Armin still hasn't tried to speak to me I'm confused and mostly concerned into why. Did I say something at the party? Speaking of party's I didn't see him at the one tonight. I think no more of it and dry off to get ready for bed. I check my phone to see a message from Eren
:hey y/n be ready by 12 I'm picking you up tomorrow.
:ok see you then
Wow I feel so good about this one, he's so kind once you get to know him. I lay down and began to watch my show before drifting off to sleep. I wake up to check my phone. It's 1 pm, crap I over slept. I messaged Eren letting him know.
:Hey I'm so sorry I over slept.
Nothing. I messed up once again. I let out a sad sigh till a I hear a knock on my door, I open up and I'm frozen at the sight of.. "mom, dad?" My parents are here. "Y/n, come home" my mom pleaded. "It was wrong, you didn't do anything just for a week at least" my dad begged. Before I could answer Eren is behind them with some flowers. "Eren!" He smiled "I got your message and thought I'd surprise you" he said handing me the flowers. "Oh you must be her sister, Hi I'm Eren" he said to my mom holding his hand out to my dad to shake. My mom chuckled. "Uhm these are my parents" I said kinda nervous. "He's certainly a handsome young man" my mother added. My dad didn't say a word, he just shook Erens hand and smiled. "Well since your little boyfriend is here we'll get out of your hair" my dad said and before I could say anything they left. "Your parents huh" Eren said with a mischievous smirk. I rolled my eyes "shut up" i said as he followed me inside shutting the door.

Eren sits on the edge of my bed looking around, "seems smaller since I was last here" he said chuckling. I looked at him and didn't say anything, He noticed I was obviously upset "you ok" he asked slight concerned. "No, They kicked me out because my sister slept with my ex and they blamed it on me and told me to leave then show up 2 years later acting like nothing they said mattered anymore" I added with a slick attitude. He looked down at his feet "Care for them as long as they're here, they won't be for much longer" he said with a little sadness in his voice. I glance over knowing something bad must have happened to his parents. "Ahem anyways, do you wanna maybe grab some lunch and head to my place" he added. I smiled and grabbed my phone before heading out the door. I text sasha letting her know plans changed. She understood and told me to go. Once me and Eren got food we made our way to his place, we went to his room and ate our food. We're not dating and he's treating me like his girlfriend. "So I know you'll probably say no but there's a party tonight" I interrupted him "let's go" I say with no hesitation. "Really?" He said surprise id wanna go. "Well I thought we could match tonight" Eren said shyly. I smile and let him dress me in a black corset and black skirt. We head to the party where I see some friends and Armin. "Hey guys" I say holding Erens hand. Armin looks away quickly. "Hey woah hey are you guys a thing?" Jean as surprised, I looked at Eren to see how he was going to reply. He smiled "My girl" he said gripping my hand a little tighter. Armin looks at me with dread in his eyes, then all a sudden it hit me. I slept with him the night of Reiners party! Oh no what if Eren find out he's gonna kill me. I shrug it off quickly trying not to show what i was thinking, we all enter the party together. Everyone is having such a good time, drinking, dancing, just being ourselves. I'm sitting next to Eren with our friends, I notice Armin keeps looking in my direction. I give him a weird look ignoring it trying to have a good time. "Why do you keep looking at y/n Armin?" Eren asked with a little anger in his voice. Everyone got silent, Armin looked away "oh nothing man sorry I thought I seen someone I knew behind her" Eren seemed to shrug it off.

Reiner and Bertolt join us after being drug over by Sasha. I notice Armin look at me again "Armin dude I know you're looking at her. What's your deal man" Eren said obviously aggravated at this point. "It's probably because Armin drug her to a room and fucked her" Bertolt blustered out drunkly. Eren turned to me looking at me like he had seen a ghost. Armin quickly explained himself "look Eren it mean nothing she was super drunk and I was too and well I look her. She had nothing to do with it man I didn't know you were together" Armin explained obviously embarrassed and ashamed. Eren looked me dead in the eyes "I knew you slept with someone but him? God y/n this is bullshit" He yelled. He got up and started to walk out of the party. I chase after him "Eren please. I didn't even remember it. Please don't leave. Don't leave like everyone else" he stoped dead in his tracks turning around walking to me with Furry in his eyes. He looked away "I need time to myself right now before I do something I do not want to do y/n" I start to tear up "Eren please" he ignored me and continued to walk away. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "It's gonna be ok let him have his space" Zeek said with a bit of concern in his voice. I turn around and bury my face into Zeeks chest bawling my eyes out. "I'll take you home if you want" he said rubbing my back, I couldn't speak to u nodded yes. He takes me to his car and we pull away. "I don't even remember what happened that night." I said practically wailing. "Eren is a very understanding guy, Especially over someone he loves" Zeek stopped himself. "He loves me?" I questioned. Zeek let out a sigh "look you didn't hear that from me ok?" I knew he has forbidden Erens trust by telling me so I'll keep my mouth shut. Zeek walked me to my dorm to make sure I made it ok. I thank him and open my door to see my parents sitting in my room. "Come home please. Just for the weekend" my mom stood up grabbing my hands. Without a thought I packed my cloths and got in the car to go home with them. I need a break from this especially Eren right now. I need to let him have space so, I'm leaving town for a few days for myself, I'm turning phone off so I won't be bothered by any drama. I text sasha letting her know and turn my phone off before getting a reply. Maybe I'll be able to relax while being in my own bed.

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