Home sweet home

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It's been a few days since I left town with my parents to go home. Everything seems to be fine, my sister has been up my ass apologizing every second of the day. Moms making all of my favorite meals while me and dad watch our favorite shows together. I missed this so much, Being loved, being a family. I haven't been on my phone since I left town, I'm surprised at the fact I haven't got the urge to check it. The only person who knows I'm gone is Sasha and I asked her to keep it between us, I need this, to come home and feel welcomed again. Mom had finished dinner and called us to the table to eat. "So how's your little boyfriend" mom asked happily, i sighed not wanting to the truth "We're taking a break right now, some things happened and we just needed time apart" I said sadly swirling my fork in my moms home made spaghetti. "You have a boyfriend" my sister asked curiously. "What so you can fuck this one too" I blurted out "Ok that enough, Misa you have no business in this conversation" my dad said sternly, she rolled her eyes. "Sweetie taking a break is good. Don't worry he seems like a charming boy" my dad said comforting. I smiled remembering all the good conversations about boys I had with him. Hopefully things will take a good turn, I miss being home honestly. I finish up my food rinsing my plate off in the sink and heading up to my room. I'm stopped by my sister at the top of the stairs. "You know the only reason they let you come home is because dad has been practically begging mom to let you" misa said rolling her eyes before walking to her room, I rolled my eyes ignoring her childish behavior. Thinking nothing of anything I open my laptop to watch something on Netflix forgetting I'm logged into all my accounts. I see hundreds of messages from people.

Jean:Y/n where are you everyone is worried about you please answer
Armin: I'm so sorry about both party's I shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry please forgive me
Mikasa:Hey you need to text someone back at least everyone is worried about you
Reiner: im sorry about the party man that was wrong I didn't know he knew about that if I did I wouldn't have let him get so wasted please message back.
Historia:Y/n im freaking out where are you?
Yamir: Send me your location the second you see my message. Please I hope you're safe.
Sasha:Hey girl message when you're ready. I didn't tell anyone I've actually been avoiding them to keep it under the radar. Hope everything is ok!
I smiled knowing my friends cared so deeply. I continue reading my messages
Zeek: y/n Me and Eren are freaking out please text me back as soon as you can. I hope you're ok
Eren:I'm sorry I needed time to myself.
Eren:Please answer me im worried.
Eren:Y/n where are you? Are you ok!
Eren: I shouldn't have left you that night alone god im so stupid please be ok
Eren: Please text me back you don't have to say anything just send something I want to know if you're ok!.

Eren is so worried about me, but I need this break from everyone even Sasha. I need time alone with my family right now. I ignored all the messages and calls going through, I had to turn my laptop off it was going off so much. I quietly go down stairs to get the old tv and Xbox a friend gave me so I can watch tv. "Need help?" My dad asked. He grabbed the tv taking it to my room for me setting everything up. "Im glad to have you home sweetie." He said sitting in the edge of my bed with me. I smile at him as I'm scrolling looking for something to watch. I decided to watch a scary move. "Well I'm heading to bed. I love you kid" my dad said placing a kiss on my forhead before closing my door. I ended up watching a few more movies before finally falling asleep. I wake up to the fresh smell of French toast and bacon being made down stairs. I hurried down to get my plate noticing sasha sitting at the table. "Y/n! I'm sorry I missed you and wanted to come see how you were doing plus, Eren has been driving me up a wall wondering we're you are. I just told him you left town for a bit and wasn't sure when you was coming home." She said slightly guilty. I smiled and sat next to her. My sister walked down stairs noticing sasha, she rolled her eyes and went back to her room. I laughed a bit "she still don't like me?" Sasha asked sadly. I Shrugged waiting for my mom to put the plates down on the table. "Thanks mrs Tanaka this looks delicious" sasha said before digging in. I smile at my mom thanking her for the food, after we finished I put mine and sasha plate in the sink and we head up to my room. I flopped on my bed extremely exhausted from everything that's been going on. Sasha sat next to me. "You gonna be ok" I sighed and opened my laptop showing her the still in coming messages from everyone, mainly Eren. "He's really worried maybe you should message him back" sasha said comforting. I think a bit on what I want to say.
Eren:Are you ok? Where are you? Do you need me to come get you?
:I'm fine I just went home for a bit. I needed a break from everyone. I feel horrible.
Eren:Don't you didn't know! You were drunk! It's ok! I'm just so glad you're ok!
:Yea I guess.
Eren: you're being dry.. are.. you ok..
:Yes Eren I'm fine. I just want to be alone right now I'm sorry.
Eren:Thank you for messaging me back. I was just really worried.
I didn't reply.

A few more weeks go by and I still haven't messaged anyone not even Eren. Sasha went home a few days ago. New semesters are about to start so I should start getting ready to go home. I pack my things getting ready to leave by the end of the day. I have one last meal with my family, I said my goodbyes and gave my hugs before getting in the car with my dad. "You're a big girl now huh. Going to college, got a job. I'm incredibly proud of you y/n" I tear up finally feeling at ease with my family. After a long car ride we finally make it back to my collage, "when do you think you'll be home again" my dad asked slightly upset. I smile "soon but I'm gonna be super busy so not too soon." I said exhausted he smiled before hugging me goodbye "I love you kid." "I love you too dad" I watch him pull away and I began to walk to my dorm. I plop down in my bed feeling un easy before drifting to sleep with Eren on my mind.

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