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I wake up with my arms wrapped around Lokis torso with his arms sprawled across the bed. I sigh and pull myself closer to him, if that's even possible, and nuzzle myself into him.

I feel him move and mentally curse myself for waking him but, instead he turns on his side and wraps his arms around me, making me smile as I fall back asleep a few minutes later.

I wake up once again about an hour afterwards to Loki trailing lines up and down my side.

"Hi." I look up at him.

"Hi." He smiles.

"How are you this fine morning?"

"I am doing good. How are you this fine morning?" He smirks.

"I am just fine. So far. Might be ruined later, but, imma live the moment."

"That's ironic." He snickers.

"What do you mean?"

"You see the future and you said you were going to live in the moment."

"Oh, ha, that's true. It was ironic." I chuckle. "You remember yesterday, when I pulled the girls out into the hall and said it was 'girl problems' and you wanted to know what it really was?"

"Yeah, what was it?"

"It was the events of last night."

He laughs, making me laugh.

We get up and I put on what I came here in, knowing that we will leave soon. Walking out of the room, he holds my bag as we walk through the halls hand in hand.

We're about to pass Nat and Wandas room, when I'm being pulled through the open door. I apologize to Loki and he just laughs as it shuts behind me, being cornered by Nat, Wanda, and MJ within a single second.


"So, what?" I play dumb.

They roll their eyes and start throwing questions at me.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. No details. That's gross."

They sit down and stare at me, waiting for me to speak.

"So, we walked into my room and I asked him to help me untie my dress."

"Smooth." Nat chuckles.

"Yes. Yes, it was. He comes over and unties it and I let it drop to the floor. He doesn't say anything and just trails the back of his hand up and down my spine. Dude, I freaking love him."

"Go on." Wanda nods with a huge smile.

"This is where I stop with the details. But, it started off smooth, gentle, soft, and romantic. Then it turned rough and hungry. It being the first time for me made it even better."

"I'm so proud of you, girl." Wanda squeals.

"Me, too." MJ agrees.

"Did he call you a dirty name?" Nat smirks.

"No but when we were done, he helped me put on my night gown, pulled the covers over us, and pulled me as close as possible. And then, he called me 'my love' and I just fucking died."

"He is so much sweeter to you then anyone." Wanda smiles.

"I know. I love it."

We talk for only a few minutes more before there's a knock at the door and Nat gets up to open it.

"Can I have my girlfriend back?" Loki asks.

"Yep." I yell and take off.

The girls laugh and follow us out the door. I take Lokis hand again and we head to the dinning hall. We sit down, the maids bring out breakfast, Loki and I holding hands beneath the table.

Lokis Angel - Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now