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I'm sitting in the common room with my dad, Steve, Nat, Clint, and Thor. I'm in my favorite chair, staring off into space when Steve confusedly calls my name.

"Ruby? What are you doing?"

I looked up and noticed all of them staring at me.


"You have no book." Dad squints his eyes.

"I'm rereading. Remembering one of my favorite books." I shake my head like it's obvious.

"Right." He nods.

"Okay, I'm going back to reading, now"

"I still don't believe that that works." Clint shakes his head.

"The pangs of despised love, the laws delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make With bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that dread of someth-" I start to say until I'm cut off.

"Yes, yes, alright, I get it. You remember shit." Clint waves me off.

"That's what I thought."

"Never doubt that kid man." Nat smirks.

Clint just rolls his eyes and goes back to talking to her while I continue to read.

A few minutes later, the elevator dings and out walks Peter but I continue reading.

"Hey, Mr. Stark."

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, Ruby."

I do a quick wave and continue to stare at the floor, much to Peters confusion.

"What is she doing?" Peter whispers to the group, who go back to watching me.

"She's reading." Dad whispers.

"But she doesn't have a book."


Peter looks at the others for an actual explanation.

"I can recite Hamlet again if you'd like?" I glare at them.

"No, no that's alright." Nat shakes her head with an amused smirk. "No need."


"Y'know?" Thor chuckles. "You and my Brother would get along."

"Probably, to be honest." I nod sideways.

Everyone but Thor looks at me worriedly and I roll my eyes.

"Guys, I'm fine. He was saying that my liking to reading and silently threatening would be something that Loki and I w-"

Others POV-

Ruby was trying to explain herself and Thor until her eyes turn black and she stops.

We drop everything we are doing and wait until it is over.

This usually takes a few minutes.

Ruby's POV-

My sight goes back to normal and I roll my eyes.

"Really?! I was interrupted for that?!" I throw my hands.

"What was it?" Dad chuckles.

"Peter has to ask you a question." I lay my head back.

They all look at Peter wondering what the question is, expecting it to be important.

"I was just gonna ask if Mj, Ned, and Shuri could come over?" Peter says shyly and me and others laugh a little while dad grabs the bridge of his nose.

"The answers yes by the way." I say before my dad can. "He was going to say, and I quote, 'yeah, sure, whatever, don't break anything like last time.'" I try to imitate his voice.

"Sweet! Really though I am sorry about that." Peter turns serious after largely smiling.

"Its fine, kid." Dads chuckles and pats him on the shoulder.

Peter gets his phone out and starts to text their group chat.

"Hey, Ruby?" Peter asks and I hum in response to let him know I'm listening. "Do you wanna... hang out with us?" He asked somewhat hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Peter but I'm a little drained from the vision and I don't I'll be able to." I furrow my brows apologetically and he shakes his head.

"No need to apologize. I get it. Maybe next time?"


I look around and see that everyone was watching and listening. They're so nosy.

"What?" I ask and they look away.

About 20 minutes later, the elevator opens and out walks the three friends.

"Peter!" Shuri yells excitedly.

"Shuri!" He yells back and they run and hug each other.

I shrink down in my chair a little in hopes of not being noticed but, sadly, I am.

"Ruby, hey girl!" Shuri smirks and Ned and MJ wave happily.

"Hey, guys." I fake a smile. "How are you?"

"Good." They all say at the same time.

"That's good." I nod.

A second later, a blue blur passes all four of them and Wanda is sitting next to Natasha while Pietro sits next to me.

"That's so cool." Ned whispers and he gets a few 'I knows' from the group.

"Hi, Pietro." I grin, actually being polite now.

"Hello, princessa." He smirks and I smile while playfully rolling my eyes.

"Right, okay, we are gonna go to my lab. Goodbye." Peter starts walking as he gets kind of uncomfortable.

They all say 'bye' to the group as they walk back onto the elevator and leave.

I sigh and turn back around to sit the correct way. They weren't as bad as usual today but they still annoy me. They aren't bad people, they are just annoying some times. Today I got lucky.

"So, 'drained', huh?" Natasha puts up air quotes, getting some snickers fron the group.

"What? I didn't want to be rude. I just do not want to hang out with them. I am not as energetic as them. I'd just get overwhelmed."

"We know." Dad chuckles. "We just want you to have fun with the people around your age."

"With young adults who act like children?" I tilt my head.

"Shes got a point, Tony." Thor interjects.

"Yeah, true. But, maybe find someone else around your age to hang out with."

"I prefer adults. They can be mature sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Steve raises a brow.


The group sigh and huff at the truth of my statement and continue to talk to each other.

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