Somewhere only we know

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Now playing: Somewhere Only We Know - Keane


After a long day, Veronica and I said our goodbyes and parted ways. I returned to Cate's house, and to my surprise, she is still not there. I've been worried since she acted that way earlier, I shouldn't be overthinking these things because I don't have the right to question what she's doing.

Her phone is ringing, but she isn't answering, I tried five times, but all of them ended up being missed calls.

I go to her room to change my clothes and freshen up, and then the door from the living room opens, letting me know she arrived. I ran up to her and hugged her, at first I didn't feel her hands around my back, but she eventually hugged me back, sending me a huge relief. 

She let go from our hug and turned to face me, "Can we talk?" she asked without any hint of emotion on her face. 

A surge of nervousness washed over me, and her cold stare as well as her poker face make me want to close my eyes and avoid feeling what she wants me to feel. 

She grabbed my shoulder and began to speak, "I think you should move out..." At that moment, I was confused and hurt. We were fine yesterday, then it suddenly turned into this. 

I have so many questions, "Why?" is the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"It's hard to explain, but dear I do think that you'll be better somewhere else." she said 

Fighting back my tears, I said, "alright, if that's what you wanted." I knew she saw how teary my eyes were, so I went to her room and started packing my things, but every time I put my things back at my bag, it gets heavier and heavier until I can't hold it any longer and burst into tears. I don't even care if she hears me or not.

I finished packing and head towards the door, she was staring at me from the kitchen, I faced her and wave good bye. I got outside and ride the cab that I booked earlier. 


Cate's POV: 

I arrived at the house and parked the car, when I opened the door, I was greeted by Y/N, who hugged me tightly. She's making things so difficult for me, and I hated it. I eventually gave in to her hug. I'm not sure why she was breathing heavily, and I don't have the courage to ask her what happened. I broke our embrace and touched her shoulder, it was difficult to say the words, but I knew I had to, "Can we talk?"

I hate to do this to you Y/N, but if it's the only way to set us free, I'll do it. She looked at me and asked, "Why?" I couldn't handle the conversation any longer, so I had to make excuses, "It's difficult to explain, but dear, I do believe that you'll be better somewhere else". I knew hearing these things from me would break her, tears were already forming in her eyes, but she still responded to what I said, "alright, if that's what you wanted," she's so strong, dear you are such a strong woman. 

She rushed to my room and started packing, I didn't bother her but I can hear her cry in agony, it breaks me more to see her cry, she doesn't deserve all of this. Is this even the right decision Cate? "FUCK" I screamed out of frustration, I'm in this situation already there's no turning back. 

She finished packing shortly and I watch her walk towards the door, just as I thought nothing will hurt more, I was wrong. Seeing her walk away shatters me into pieces. She turned and look at me, she wave for one last time and before I knew it she was gone. she's really gone.


I walk and walk and walk until I don't know where I am, I can't think of any reason why she would do this to me, what the fuck y/n? For fuck's sake, you got played again!!! Everything is dark, my entire being feels hollow, everything is spinning, and all I can think about is getting hit by a car to stop feeling this way.

Cate? after everything we shared, you left me like this? 
I can feel my chest get heavier and everything started to blur out.

Next thing I knew I passed out.

I woke up on a couch, I stood up immediately not knowing where am I, I checked my things and grabbed my phone immediately. I opened my location and look at the map where I am located, to my surprise I'm only 30 minutes away from the club yet I don't recognize where I am.

I heard a man cough from the other room and tried my best to stay calm while packing my belongings to leave this place. Since it is still dark at 3 a.m., I close the curtains in front of me and carefully walk towards the door. 

The hallway was dark, so I tried to use my phone's light to find my way. I got to the door, but a hand grabbed my arms, and my body froze. All the trauma from that incident returned, and I prayed that I wouldn't be killed like this.

A soft deep voice with concern greets me.

"Are you sure, you should stay here until morning so I know you're safe"

I turn to face the person, but I don't recognize their face because the corridors are so dark.

"Come eat with me at the table"

the person escorted me to the kitchen and as we get close to the light, I recognized him instantly

"Chris? How did you find me?"

"I was driving my way home then I saw you at the side walk, I got worried so I helped you and got you here, I don't know where you live so I had no choice, I'm sorry if you got scared" 

He was hesitant to explain and I find it comforting knowing that I'm safe somehow

He rubbed the back of his head and said his apologies again.

"It's alright, thank you" as I cut him off from saying sorry

Chris was a childhood friend of mine, we started talking when I was in my early teenage years. I didn't considered what we had a thing since we we're just kids back then but he was the most gentle person I've met. 

He ushered me to eat with him and we catch up with each other, he led me to his room to sleep, he said he'll just stay in the couch, I didn't get to refuse, I fell asleep laughing with him reminiscing the dumb things we did in the past.

I woke up forgetting what happened for a second then reality hits again, making me feel like shit. 

"Good morning u sleepy dumb kid" He surprised me with a sandwich and milk. "You don't have to do thisssss" I chuckled

He offered me to let him drive me to work, I said okay so he won't bug me again while eating

We got into the club and he said his good bye, he gave me his number he told me that I should call whenever I needed escape.

I remembered that I opened up to him about Cate but I didn't told him who or where is Cate, I just explained my situation, I protected Cate's privacy cuz she deserves it. god I miss her...

She Is A Dancer ( Cate Blanchett x Female Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now